Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Artist Creates Incredible Photographs Out of Mold

Seeing the work of Swedish artist Hans Jörgen Johansen is like visiting a landscape in a parallel universe. What you see in his images is mold that he has grown out of flour and bread and later taken photos of. Nothing is manipulated in Photoshop, it's all down to camera angle and lightning, and the result is incredible! He talks about his work process in a Swedish paper:

At first glance, many of the photographs appear to be arranged horticulture, but the landscapes are models that Hans Jorgen Johansen in most cases has built up of mold. It is an advanced process to create each photograph. From start to finish, it can take between one and two months to create a piece.

"It takes at least a ten-day for just the mold to be fine."

On a table that is about two square feet, he creates patterns of organic materials that will turn into mold. Hans Jorgen Johansen primarily uses wheat flour but also bread that he´s watering so that it will "grow" well.

"Nothing is manipulated in Photoshop. Everything is done on the table which I later set with light and shoot."

Blood – series Element:

Ashes – series Element:

Houndstooth – series Vanitas:

Grease – series Element:

Metamorfos 0803:

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Featured image: Metamorfos 0611

Image credit: Via Liljevalchs and Kalmar konstmuseum.


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