Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Experiment: Ten Cokes a Day Diet for 30 days

In an experiment to make us aware of the dangers with overconsumption of sugar, George Prior, 50 years of age from Los Angeles, drank 10 cans of Coke everyday for 30 days.

He not only gained lots of weight, going from from 168 to 192 pounds, but other negative side effects also included a soaring blood pressure, intense sugar cravings and loss of appetite.

As well as the fast weight gain, Mr Prior, a father-of-two, said he feared he was becoming addicted to Coca-Cola after experiencing intense cravings.

While he tried to stick to his normal Paleo diet – a low-carbohydrate diet which focuses on eating lean meats, vegetables and berries – he began experiencing sugar cravings that were difficult to ignore.

'The most dramatic change was in weight: 23lb of gain over 30 days,' Mr Prior, who lives in L.A., said.

'I also seemed to develop a craving for Cokes, or other sugars, during the time I was drinking Cokes.'

'[As a result], I'm urging people to examine the amount of sugar in their diets.

'People need to be aware of the real and powerful damaging effects of sugar on their health.

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