Saturday, May 31, 2014

Breakfast Inspired Dinner

BuzzFeed has compiled a nice list of 21 ways to have breakfast for dinner.

Featured image shows Sriracha cheddar cornbread waffles.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Moped Vintage Models

The photo series Hårdingar (Badasses) by Swedish photographer Johan Gustafsson presents some great moped vintage models.

Moped Maraton, 1961:

Featured image shows the Crescent 1145 Scooter, 1958.

Via Rumiram.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Donut Dollies

During one of the episodes of The Great British Bake Off, I found out that the Red Cross during WW2 used Clubmobiles providing the soldiers with fresh coffee and donuts. These were run by American Red Cross women who risked their lifes while caring for the servicemen.

Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) spoke on the U.S. Senate floor on the importance of honoring the Red Cross Clubmobile women of World War II.

“A visit from a Clubmobile was one of the most significant events for a young G.I. in combat far from home, and the women of the Clubmobiles, young women from every single state, acted as friends and sisters to the troops with whom they interacted,” said Senator Collins.

“These women were trailblazers,” she continued. “The dangers of war were real. During the war, 52 Red Cross women lost their lives, some of them from the Clubmobiles. Their stories are those of a nation at war….Their stories are every bit as vibrant and important to our victory as those of the men who valiantly fought to defend our freedom.”

Katherine Spaatz was the youngest member of the Red Cross Clubmobile, here with a batch of donuts. Photograph by Bob Landry, Time Life Pictures/Getty. (Source: The New Yorker.)

The first Red Cross Clubmobile arrived in France just a few days after the D-Day invasion began, when troops and military equipment were still coming ashore. In July and August of 1944, 80 Clubmobiles and 320 Red Cross volunteers crossed the English Channel. The Red Cross volunteers prepared the coffee and donuts on the converted buses. But these women gave much more than hot drinks and warm food; they were a friendly face, a morale boost and a comfort from home.

“We were standing in the village street in a row serving our coffee and donuts and I was at the end of the line with the coffee dipper. And a G.I. came up to me, a very young guy, a 19-year-old, like a lot of them were, and he said his name was Jerry and he just needed to talk to me,” said Barbara Pathe, a Clubmobile worker with the troops in Germany. “And so he stood there and talked to me the whole time we were serving.… Listening was the biggest thing we did. Nothing else, just listening.”

And here is the recipe for the Red Cross Donuts:

  • 1 1/2 cups sifted flour
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp butter or substitute, melted
  • 1/4 tsp ginger
  • 1/4 cup molasses
  • 1/4/ cup sour milk (buttermilk)
  • 1 egg well beaten

How you put it all together:

  1. Combine half of the flour with the soda, salt and ginger.
  2. Combine the egg, molasses, sour milk and melted butter or substitute.
  3. Blend with flour mixture and stir until thoroughly mixed and smooth.
  4. Add remaining flour to make dough of sufficient to be rolled.
  5. Roll, on floured board, to thickness of 1/4 inch.
  6. Cut with a donut cutter.
  7. Fry in deep hot fat (360 degrees) until lightly browned, about 2 03 three minutes.
  8. Drain on brown paper.

Featured image shows an American Red Cross truck. Photograph by Cpl. J.E. Watson, 46th Armored Infantry Battalion, 5th Armored Division, US Army. Via Janice Bernard.

Related reading:

Monday, May 26, 2014

The History of Pizza

I eat pizza every now and then. The other day I got curious about the history of pizza. This video from BuzzFeed is both informative and visually pleasing:

Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Inside Look of the Stunning Beauty of Waves

Hawaiian photographer Clark Little has been shooting waves full time for seven years. Seeing his images, I´d like to take a swim. Truly captivating photography! Also, you can get to know his work better in his new book Shorebreak.

On the North Shore beaches, he's become a celebrity.

"I think shorebreak shooting is a new sport," Little says. "It's unbelievable. The parents are excited about it -- 'Hey, Clark, my son -- can you take a picture with him? He wants to take a picture.'"

Little did not plan it this way; he spent 17 years working at a botanical garden when his life took a sudden change.

Red Dirt. Waves coloured by runoff during winter 2009:

"My wife brought a picture home of a wave," he says. "I told her, 'Honey, don't buy that picture, I can go out and shoot one. I'll get a camera, and I'll do it.'"

He's now been shooting waves full time for seven years, always looking for that perfect shot.

"I am very lucky, fortunate, blessed," he says. "This is a special thing. It's something that I can't believe I do for a living."

Crystal Ball:

CBS Evening News coverage:

Featured image taken by Flynn Novak. Other images via The Australian.

Story found via Outside Magazine.


A Tea Party in Slow Motion

Watching Zack King's video Tea Party in Super Slow Motion is time well spent.

Found the video via Vipoke's video Slow Motion + Ludovico Einaudi. A well made compilation video with beautiful music by pianist Ludovico Einaudi.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Rare Access to the Deserted Island North Brother Island

Photographer Christopher Payne got rare access to the deserted island North Brother Island, New York. His visits and images have now resulted in a book called North Brother Island. The Last Unknown Place in New York City.

It's one of New York's best kept secrets. Lying in plain sight of the city is an island which no one has inhabited for more than 50 years.

North Brother Island was once a quarantine station for patients with infectious diseases. It then provided accommodation for returning World War Two veterans and finally was a rehabilitation centre for drug-addicted youths.

Classroom books:

But in 1963 the complex was shut down and abandoned. Left behind was a campus of buildings, many of which have now been reclaimed by vegetation and nesting birds

The photographer Christopher Payne was granted rare permission to visit the island over the course of a number of years. His images are now on display in the book: "North Brother Island. The Last Unknown Place in New York City.''

Featured image shows the tuberculosis pavilion lobby.

Images via Slate. Story via Zeldman.

Related reading:

Friday, May 23, 2014

How to Incorporate Nature into Your Daily Life

Spent some time with my wife earlier today sitting by the city water canal. The water is such a calming element, could sit there for hours. This short article written by Dulma Altan gives you some suggestions about how to incorporate nature into your daily life.

That rejuvenation you feel after a weekend trip to a national park? That’s your body rejoicing. Does gardening in your backyard leaves you a little more refreshed and grounded? Then perhaps tending the soil is, on some level, your body’s way of healing itself. Its intelligence always knows what serves your being best, and those impulses you get—to go hiking, surfing, gardening, or bird watching—are manifestations of that inherent wisdom.

Featured image: Shows a waterfall in Norway named The Seven Sisters via All That Is Interesting.

The Stone with the Universe Trapped In It

What a beautiful opal! It´s like viewing outer space or the deep sea, or our inner bodies in tiniest details:

This is just a stone. Not a photo of a stone with a Hubble Space Telescope image pasted over it. Not a hologram made inside some piece of glass. Not a portal to another dimension. Just a stone. It's like a some spacetime wizard captured a piece of the Universe and trapped it inside.

The stone is an opal. A "very fine American contraluz opal found" in Opal Butte, Oregon, according to Bonhams, the auction house that sold it last May for around $20,000. Their description says that the 4.6 x 4.4 x 1-centimeter gemstone is a "clear, transparent crystal body having a fine, firey play-of-color that is gem quality. The piece has a botryoidal jasper formation which forms a unique inclusion."

Via Rumiram.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Foodies - The Culinary Jetset

I loved the documentary Jiro Dreams of Sushi. Now, the same distribution company releases a documentary called Foodies - The Culinary Jetset, following some wealthy individuals visiting exlusive restaurants around the globe.

Piggy Bank Gets Hit by a Golf Ball

I didn't expect to get such a tranquil experience watching a piggy bank getting hit by a golf ball.

Want more? Why not watch The Slow Mo Guys popping popcorn or do liquid physics.

Monday, May 19, 2014

The Cookie Thief by Valerie Cox

I heard the poem The Cookie Thief written by Valerie Cox being read by Wayne Dyer during one of his keynotes (video). The poem makes me think about looking at things from a different perspective. Easier said than done sometimes!

A woman was waiting at an airport one night, with several long hours before her flight. She hunted for a book in the airport shops, bought a bag of cookies and found a place to drop.

She was engrossed in her book but happened to see, that the man sitting beside her, as bold as could be…grabbed a cookie or two from the bag in between, which she tried to ignore to avoid a scene.

So she munched the cookies and watched the clock, as the gutsy cookie thief diminished her stock. She was getting more irritated as the minutes ticked by, thinking, “If I wasn’t so nice, I would blacken his eye.”

With each cookie she took, he took one too, when only one was left, she wondered what he would do. With a smile on his face, and a nervous laugh, he took the last cookie and broke it in half.

He offered her half, as he ate the other, she snatched it from him and thought… oooh, brother. This guy has some nerve and he’s also rude, why he didn’t even show any gratitude!

She had never known when she had been so galled, and sighed with relief when her flight was called. She gathered her belongings and headed to the gate, refusing to look back at the thieving ingrate.

She boarded the plane, and sank in her seat, then she sought her book, which was almost complete. As she reached in her baggage, she gasped with surprise, there was her bag of cookies, in front of her eyes.

If mine are here, she moaned in despair, the others were his, and he tried to share. Too late to apologize, she realized with grief, that she was the rude one, the ingrate, the thief.

Featured image via Cheng Bigay and photographed/copyrighted by Sara Lynn Paige.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

My Stealthy Freedom

A Facebook page called My Stealthy Freedom created by Masih Alinejad shows iranian women without wearing the veil. What made me particularly happy about this story is the fact that in many of the photos taken, there is a man supporting the woman and her choice not to wear a veil.

The caption is brief: “This is Iran… The feeling of the wind blowing through every strand of hair, is a girl’s biggest dream.”

A woman stands in a green valley, staring at a far-off mountain vista. Her arms are covered and her face obscured. Her honey-blond hair is the only clue to her identity.

This is one of thousands of photos posted to Stealthy Freedoms of Iranian Women, a Facebook page dedicated to “Iranian women inside the country who want to share their “stealthily” taken photos without the veil.

Within the first two days of its creation, 30,000 women posted photos of themselves. Two weeks later, the page netted more than 200,000 likes.

“There is a phrase called guilty pleasures in English, you know, like having a fondness for chocolate when you know it’s not good for you,” says journalist and creator Masih Alinejad. “For me, when I was in Iran, taking my veil off, was like thumbing my nose at authority, especially the authority that was forced upon me.”

As The Wall Street Journal reports, come summer Iranian women face heightened scrutiny from the “morality police.”

“For a few weeks at the beginning of warm weather season—when sandals and capri pants and colorful linen tunics replace drab winter coats and boots–Iran’s morality police raid the streets punishing women for daring to show their painted toes, bare ankles and streaks of highlight,” writes WSJ reporter Farnaz Fassihi.

Mounire Charrad, an associate professor of sociology at the University of Texas-Austin and Middle Eastern women’s studies specialist, says she was most struck by three things in the images posted on “Stealthy Freedoms”: the multiple generations of women represented, the supportive comments posted by men and the photos depicting couples or mentioning husbands.

“Women in different places have found ways of expressing their own power in ways that don’t cross to the other side,” she says. “But certainly 100,000 people, with support from men and mothers – it means women are responding to this.”

The article ends beautifully with this woman´s personal story:

In one photo dated May 15, a woman is running in an open field, a colorful scarf streaming behind her. She’s a distant figure; the vastness of the valley and the vivid blue of the sky almost hide her completely.

“My dear Masih,” she writes, “I love this photo dearly. I took it a month ago in Shiraz near Sheshpir River. It was a sunny day and my husband said ‘Don’t you really feel hot? Be comfortable..!’ So I removed my scarf from my head and started running in the plain.. I enjoyed the wind blowing through my hair so much that the sound of my laughter filled the whole plain.”

Featured image shows Masih Alinejad.

Related reading:

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Documentary Beyond

Filmmaker Cale Glendening´s documentary Varanasi, India: "Beyond" really captures India with some truly magical shoots. He´s documenting the work process of photographer Joey L. and his assistant Ryan when they´re shooting the photo series Holy Men. I really love the music by Tony Anderson, perfect match for slow motion pictures.

Monday, May 12, 2014

The Music of a Tree

Ever wondered how a recording made from a tree would sound like? Look no further. Bartholomäus Traubeck has created piano music with his album Years based on analysed data from a tree´s year rings.

A tree's year rings are analysed for their strength, thickness and rate of growth. This data serves as basis for a generative process that outputs piano music. It is mapped to a scale which is again defined by the overall appearance of the wood (ranging from dark to light and from strong texture to light texture). The foundation for the music is certainly found in the defined ruleset of programming and hardware setup, but the data acquired from every tree interprets this ruleset very differently.

This record features seven recordings from different Austrian trees. They were generated on the Years installation in Vienna, January 2012.

Via Matthew Manning.

GQ Interview with Healer and Author Matthew Manning

The English healer and author Matthew Manning is interviewed in British GQ. A good and lenghty down to earth interview with a healer I also have never heard of before:

Perhaps the most extraordinary thing about Manning is that you - in all likelihood - have never heard of him. He lives in a secluded cottage on Exmoor with his partner, Sarah, and emerges to perform healing sessions twice weekly at a local clinic. Unlike many who simulate then flaunt the kind of powers that have been ascribed to Manning, he does not exploit his reputation in pursuit of great wealth. In the mid-Seventies, after Frost first persuaded him to appear on television, in a special edition of The Frost Interview, Manning, at 19, was featured in every major newspaper on either side of the Atlantic. But fame, he came to realise, never quite suited him. This is the first interview Matthew Manning has given for more than ten years.

He might live within commuting distance of Britain's crystal-gazing capital - Totnes, in Devon - but Manning, 58, is a down-to-earth sort of person; he enjoys a glass of white wine, likes rock'n'roll and, after he collects me in his 4x4 at Bodmin station, he negotiates the tight country lanes with robust expertise. You wouldn't necessarily assume, were you to bump into him in a bar, that this is a man who, on the evidence of multiple tests conducted under rigorous scientific conditions, appears to be able to kill cancer cells with the power of thought.

"The last time we met," I remind Manning, "I asked you to place your hands over me, as you would in a routine healing session. I can still remember the heat; you must have been a foot away and yet it felt like standing far too close to a two-kilowatt electric fire. This was coming through two layers of clothing and it was on the edge of being painful. Do you feel that heat when you're working?

"Sometimes," he says. On one particular occasion, a male patient passed out from the intense -sensation of burning. No faith or belief, Manning insists, is required on the part of his subject. Healing can even work on dogs. "The only way I can describe the feeling," he says, "is that I am channelling some kind of unconditional love."


Friday, May 9, 2014

Before They Pass Away by Photographer Jimmy Nelson

Before They Pass Away is the project by photographer Jimmy Nelson that with his images tries to capture the essence of tribes all over the world:

The purity of humanity exists. It is there in the mountains, the ice fields, the jungle, along the rivers and in the valleys. Jimmy Nelson found the last tribesmen and observed them. He smiled and drank their mysterious brews before taking out his camera. He shared what real people share: vibrations, invisible but palpable. He adjusted his antenna to the same frequency as theirs. As trust grew, a shared understanding of the mission developed: the world must never forget the way things were.

There is a pure beauty in their goals and family ties, their belief in gods and nature, and their will to do the right thing in order to be taken care of when their time comes. Whether in Papua New Guinea or in Kazakhstan, in Ethiopia or in Siberia, tribes are the last resorts of natural authenticity.

Tribe Mustang in Nepal:

In 2009, I planned to become a guest of 31 secluded and visually unique tribes. I wanted to witness their time-honoured traditions, join in their rituals and discover how the rest of the world is threatening to change their way of life forever. Most importantly, I wanted to create an ambitious aesthetic photographic document that would stand the test of time. A body of work that would be an irreplaceable ethnographic record of a fast disappearing world.

Tribe Tibetans:

Featured image shows tribe Gauchos in Argentina.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Life Inside Microapartments in Hong Kong

A Chinese human rights group has documented how the life inside several microapartments in Hong Kong looks like. Since Hong Kong has the world´s third-most expensive housing market, thoose with a lower income are thus forced to cramped living conditions:

A “small apartment” in New York means under 300 square feet. In Hong Kong, that square-footage count routinely dips into double digits. With the world’s third-most expensive housing market, many of the city’s lower-income residents are forced to live in shockingly small apartments. A single square foot of Hong Kong real estate will cost you over $1,300, on average.

It can be tough to grasp the reality of living in what amounts to a very functional closet through facts and figures, though. These images, which show us a bird’s eye view of several Hong Kong microapartments, do a much better job. They were produced by a Chinese human rights group called the Society for Community Organization, whose mission is to promote equality amongst citizens. “Grassroots people are struggling day in and day out to keep their head above water,” SoCO explains. “Standing in the line of dejection are caged lodgers, tenants living in appalling conditions, aged singletons, street-sleepers, mothers with no one-way permit to live in Hong Kong, families made up of new immigrants and boat dwellers.”

As part of SoCO’s campaign to draw attention to the housing shortage, the group commissioned a photographer to visit dozens of Hong Kong families living in dangerously tiny spaces. They estimate that over 100,000 people are living in unauthorized apartments in the city, a number that may well be low. “In recent years, there are a huge number of partitioned rooms being built in industrial buildings,” the group explains. “As it is illegal to live there, those residents living at industrial buildings are not counted and hence the government figure is underestimated.”

Story via @good.

Related reading:

Starting Your Own Home Yoga Practice

My own yoga practice has always been a home based one. I´ve been doing yoga for nearly 3 years now and I love to do this at home. It´s become a daily habit, I feel the urge to get on the mat and do the practice. Sometimes it´s a long session, sometimes a shorter one. Very often a planned short session transitions into a longer, just because it makes me feel so good. Yoga International´s article written by Kate Hanley lets you know what to think about when starting your own home yoga practice and suggested reasons why you should:

To build a consistent home practice, you need to carve out space for it—metaphorically as well as literally. Perhaps the biggest challenge is finding the time. In order for Pearce-Hayden to keep her home practice alive, she says, “I can’t allow myself to be swayed by the anxiety that nearly always pops up that I can’t afford to take any time away from getting things done.” Taking even a little bit of time to practice grounds you and inspires you, so that when you return to your to-do list, you are more focused and productive. “I’ve come to realize that when I give myself 10 or 15 minutes, the rest of my day feels more spacious,” she says.

Choosing a dedicated area in your home to practice in can also help create room in your psyche for a practice to take root. And that physical space needn’t be large, pretty, or even particularly Zen. “I’ve been practicing for years on a sliver of floor between the fireplace and the coffee table that’s exactly big enough for a yoga mat,” Lee says. “Even though it’s more of a nonspace, all those practices have imbued it with a feeling that is really attractive to me.” Even when you’re dragging your feet, the aura of your regular practice site will make you more likely to visit it. “When you’re in your special spot, you’ll be fully immersed in your practice after only two breaths,” says Lee. “Just looking at it will be a trigger.”

Featured image shows Reinhard Gammenthaler photographed by Adrian Moser via Der Bund.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Selby Project: Glimpses of Inspiring and Beautiful Workplaces

If you like me love to get a glimpse of inspiring and beautiful workplaces, then The Selby project is the right place to visit:

Todd Selby is a photographer, director, author and illustrator. His project, The Selby, offers an insider’s view of creative individuals in their personal spaces with an artist’s eye for detail. The Selby began in June 2008 as a website where Todd posted photo shoots he did of his friends in their homes. Requests quickly began coming in daily from viewers all over the world who wanted their homes to be featured on the site. The Selby’s website became so influential — with up to 100,000 unique visitors daily—that within months, top companies from around the world began asking to collaborate.

Kødbyens Fiskebar in Copenhagen, Denmark:

Rick and Michael Mast at Mast Brothers Chocolate in Brooklyn:

Featured image: Juan De Sande in his studio in Madrid.

Via Swedish Elle Decoration.

Chronos by Ron Fricke

Chronos (1985) is the name of the film directed by Ron Fricke, also known for his work with the film Baraka. The movie was made using time-lapse photography. Together with the continuous soundtrack by Michael Stearns, this truly makes for an ambient experience.

And here is the soundtrack:

Update: You can watch the film over at The Internet Archive.

The Geek Meditation Session

What a great analogy! Meditation simplified:

Found via Daily Cup of Yoga. Image via Edward de Leau.

Curated Collection of Photography from the National Geographic

The website Found is a beautifully curated collection of photography from the National Geographic archives. I went through the whole collection of photos preparing for this post and it was not an easy task to choose which pictures to use because of the high quality. I´ve kept the original cutlines. Enjoy!

Found is a curated collection of photography from the National Geographic archives. Started in 2013 to honor our 125th anniversary, the blog showcases photographs that reveal cultures and moments from our past.

Some of these photos have never been published before, others were in the magazine years ago but since then have rarely been seen by the public. Their beauty has been lost to the outside world.

We hope to bring new life to these images and the history they represent by sharing them with audiences far and wide. Many of the images are missing their original date or location, but each represents a story, captured in time yet in many ways timeless.

The small monastic church of St John at Kaneo sits perched atop a rocky precipice overlooking Lake Ohrid in Macedonia, Yugoslavia, April 1982. Photograph by James L Stanfield, National Geographic:

A welder works on cowls for liberty ships in California, 1942. Photograph by Acme News Pictures, Inc:

Operators man computers at Eastern Airlines’ reservations center in Miami, November 1970. Photograph by Bruce Dale, National Geographic Creative:

American bison charge through heavy snow in Yellowstone National Park, November 1967. Photograph by William Albert Allard, National Geographic:

Folk singers entertain Muslims during Ramadan in Cairo, Egypt, May 1972. Photograph by Winfield Parks, National Geographic:

An American restaurant chain is patroned by local Abu Dhabian men, October 1975. Photograph by Winfield Parks, National Geographic:

A motorboat carries tourists to fishing grounds off Tahiti, July 1962. Photograph by Luis Marden, National Geographic:

Featured photo shows a flock of birds fly up from an enclosed courtyard in Old Havana, December 1987. Photograph by James L Stanfield, National Geographic.

Thanks to Squandrous for finding this.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Old School Massage in a Tbilisi Bath 1890

Massage in a Tbilisi bath 1890. After seeing Michael Palin visit one (video), I´ve always wanted to go myself:

Related reading:

Relaxing Nature Videos by David Huting

David Huting creates wonderful and relaxing nature videos. The one from Lockett Meadow located in Coconino National Forest, Arizona is one of my favorites ever since I discovered it. The music playing is End of Days Part II by Darshan Ambient.

Another favorite of mine is the video from coastal village Oia on the island of Santorini. Enjoy!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Tinariwen Gothenburg Harbour Performance

Tinariwen is a music group that plays Desert Blues. Its members come from the Sahara Desert region of northern Mali. Here is a performance from Gothenburg Harbour filmed inside a drydock wich makes for a great visual experience.

Palo Santo Incense

We burn incense at home regularly, but I´ve never heard of Palo Santo sticks before. They have been used for centuries by the Incas and indigenous people of the Andes and burning them you´ll feel the smell of citrus and cedar.

Photography by Alpha Smoot for Cup of Jo. The styling is done by Kendra Smoot.

Related reading:

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Mind Over Medicine

Dr. Lissa Rankin writes, teaches and speaks about mind-body medicine. I love to read about the subject and in this short and easy to read article, every story is supported by scientific evidence.

Thirty percent of patients who thought they were getting chemotherapy but were actually getting nothing but saline lost their hair. And bald men in the Rogaine trials who were getting nothing but sugar pills grew hair. Go figure.

Still Not Convinced? I have zero attachment to converting skeptics of mind-body medicine into believers. I’m just a curious scientist who can’t ignore the evidence that the mind is more powerful that we yet understand. If you’re curious like me, read more evidence of the mind’s power to heal the body in Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself or watch my Public Television special Heal Yourself: Mind Over Medicine (watch the trailer and check listings here.)

Image is from the PBS Special.


Good Morning Yoga Sequence with Jennifer Jarret

Yoga teacher Jennifer Jarret has created this short yoga sequence to start your day with. It only takes 10-15 minutes, which I find great for thoose days I might want to give my body some rest or when I just don´t have the time to do a one hour yoga session.

This is a 10-15 minute morning sequence designed to wake up the body and target all of the places that might need a little extra space and life breathed into them after a night of sleep. I designed this to be a flowing sequence, allowing one pose to flow into the next. I invite you to try it like this, or if that doesn’t work for you and you prefer to complete one pose at a time, guide yourself through it that way by returning to Downward Facing Dog in between each pose. Otherwise, just flow with it.

Featured image via Jennifer´s website.

Related reading:

Friday, May 2, 2014

Drone and Aerial Photography by Donald Miralle

The drone and aerial photography by Donald Miralle.

Cedar fires in San Diego (via Donald´s website):

San Diego Freeway Loop (via Donald´s website):

Dead trees in Lake Siwandu in the Selous Reserve in East Africa, Tanzania:

The Great Reno Balloon Race at the Rancho San Rafael Park in Nevada:

Featured image shows a surfer at Swamis Beach, Encinitas, California.

Ad Campaign Against Drink and Drive by Fiat and Leo Burnett Tailor Made

Fiat has together with ad agency Leo Burnett Tailor Made in Sao Paulo, Brazil, come up with an striking campaign against drink and drive called Now You See It, Now You Don’t.

It’s not often that people on bikes are put at the forefront of safety campaigns for motorists, at least not here in the UK.

Over in Brazil though, this simply but clever campaign by Fiat reminds car drivers that cyclists are harder to spot on the road (no matter how many drinks you’ve had).

Via @mrmickeylowe.

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