Thursday, October 30, 2014

How The Economic Machine Works by Ray Dalio

In this engaging and easy to follow animated video, hedge fund manager Ray Dalio explains how the economy works. You'll learn more about economic concepts like credit, deficits and interest rates, which will give you a good understanding about how the economic machine works.

To learn more, visit for Ray's podcast and research paper.


Supercuts: The Laborious Task of Making Video Compilations

On, you'll find supercuts, video montages that consist of phrases, actions and cliches of similar characteristics, clips that usually have been collected from movies or TV shows. The result is repetitive and often hilariously funny.

This compilation of MIT Professor Walter Lewins' drawn dashed lines is just great fun:

Sony Crockett in Miami Vice uses the word "pal" alot. The YouTube uploader says, "The clips are just from the first season. There's only one episode (Nobody Lives Forever) where he doesn't say it.":

Featured video: A beautiful compilation of film director Darren Aronofsky's sound effect shots.

McDonald's Cup Sizes Around the World

BuzzFeed collected McDonald's cups from different countries and this is how they compare:


Will Oasis' Song Titles Help Bringing Back Stolen Band Portrait?

Greater Manchester Police is trying a different route in their work of bringing back a stolen black and white portrait of Oasis painted by artist Olga Tsarevska Lomax.

In a statement, they're quoting the title of the songs The Masterplan and Some Might Say, with the hope they're pleading to an Oasis fan:

Pc Katherine Gosling, said: "Quite what the master plan behind this theft is I don't know, but a local business has been broken into and a one of a kind piece of art work taken.

"This was the only piece taken and some might say we are therefore looking for an Oasis fan - similarly it may have been stolen to order. Regardless we are keen to find it and return it.

Featured image: The painting via BBC News.

Via NME.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Bounty Hunting the Loch Ness Monster

In Dr. David Clarke's new book Britain’s X-traordinary Files, he reveals documents that show the National History Museum wanted to catch the Loch Ness monster and display its carcass. This was even on the agenda in the late 60's when Prince Philip wanted to enlist the Royal Navy in an attempt to catch the mysterious creature:

The documents, exposed by David Clarke in his new book Britain’ s X-traordinary Files, show that in March 1934 an unnamed official at the museum issued instructions to 'bounty hunters' on how to tackle the mythical creature.

He said: “Should you ever come within range of the ‘monster’ I hope you will not be deterred by humanitarian considerations from shooting him on the spot and sending the carcass to us in cold storage, carriage forward.

“Short of this, a flipper, a jaw or a tooth would be very welcome.”

The Royal Scottish Museum in Edinburgh didn't take this very lightly and wrote a letter to the Scottish Secretary Sir Godfrey Collins the same year, telling him, among other things, that “the museum urges strongly that the RSM have the reversionary rights to the ‘monster’ if and when its corpse should become available.”

Featured image: The famous Surgeon's Photograph from 1934 that is now considered a hoax.

The Game of Kabaddi

Have you heard about the contact sport Kabaddi before? I hadn't until this morning. It's actually been around for centuries and is today hugely popular with millions of people watching the game on television:

A fighting game that Indian boys have been playing for hundreds of years has arrived on television screens and the Indian public is delighted.


Indian TV viewers are likewise wild about the sport. On the opening day of action of the national Pro Kabaddi League, 22 million people in India tuned in to the television broadcaster Star India to watch.

For comparison, this was ten times as many as the Indians who watched the opening match of the football World Cup in Brazil in June. In the initial weeks of broadcasts since the season opened, audience ratings have beaten every other sport except for cricket.


It's a breathless game, literally. In the Pro-Kabaddi version of it, the action takes place on a court about half the size of a basketball court. Two teams of seven players face off against each other.

Then a raider moves towards the opposing side where he must touch an opponent with some part of the body. However, the attacker may take only one breath of air beforehand. To prove to the judges that he is not inhaling, he must repeatedly call out out "Kabaddi! Kabaddi! Kabaddi!"

The opponents either try to avoid being tagged by the raider, or else, if they do get tagged, to catch him and prevent him from getting back to the mid-line before he has to start breathing again.

Often the rough-and-tumble play resembles rugby, with the raider being tackled or wrestled to the floor. After this raid has either succeeded or failed, it is the other team's turn to send a raider.

A point is awarded for each raider who succeeds in getting back to his half of the court. The team with more points is the winner.

Here is a BBC News coverage explaining the game and how it's done (unfortunately, no embed alternative).

Featured image: An Italian Kabaddi player (right) is tackled by a US opponent during the 1st Pearls World Cup Kabaddi Punjab 2010 tournament at Guru Nanak Stadium in Amritsar April 8. Photo by Narinder Nanu/AFP/Getty Images. Via

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Foodies Served McDonald's at a Food Expo

When visiting a food expo in Houten, Netherlands, the team from LifeHunters presented the visitors with an organic alternative to fastfood. But, here's the twist: the food specialties were cut-up pieces from McDonalds, nicely served.

One Billion Dollars: In Numbers

If you had one billion dollars, you would be able to make a pretty hefty donation or gift without really having to see your bank account shrinking.

Byron Bernstein illustrates this in the following video:


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Desert Utopia: Mid-Century Architecture in Palm Springs

The small town of Palm Springs, was once the creative playground to several great architects such as William Krisel, E. Stewart Williams and Albert Frey.

In the film Desert Utopia: Mid-Century Architecture in Palm Springs by Jake Gorst, we get to see rare archival images and footage from this very special era, together with interviews with some of these great architects, homeowners and historians, and learn more about the preservation issues that face the region today.

Featured image: The Tramway Gas Station designed by Albert Frey and Robson C. Chambers. Via Modern Design Interior.

Hedge Fund Manager Ray Dalio's 'Principles'

Ray Dalio, president of hedge fund Bridgewater Associates, runs his business in a manner that's new to me. Three years ago, Ray wrote down a set of 295 life and management principles, which now serve as signposts for his employees.

Mr. Dalio's basic philosophy is what he calls "hyper-realism," a notion that brutal honesty, no matter how uncomfortable, yields the best results. Principle No. 8: "There is nothing to fear from truth....Being truthful is essential to being an independent thinker and obtaining greater understanding of what is right."

At Bridgewater, being truthful also requires being a bit ruthless. Employees aren't allowed to talk critically about someone unless the person is present. Principal No. 11: "Never say anything about a person you wouldn't say to him directly. If you do, you are a slimy weasel." If an employee breaks the rule three times, they can be fired.

"Most people actually love this rule,'' says Mr. Dalio.

Recordings of company meetings are stored electronically in what some employees call a "transparency library," and many can be listened to by any of the firm's 1,000 employees.


At a recent staff meeting in a Bridgewater conference room, Mr. Dalio blasted a department head who admitted he'd given an employee a better performance rating than he deserved. "Telling me what I want to hear creates a sugar addiction," said Mr. Dalio, who was wearing chinos, boat shoes and a company name badge with the word "Ray" in big letters.

Must Read: What Hedge Fund Manager Ray Dalio's Assistent Learned from Working at Bridgewater Associates

You can download your own copy of Dalio's paper "Principles" here, which includes 210 principles.

Featured image: via Dealbreaker.

Bikes vs. Cars: The New Documentary by Bananas!* Director Fredrik Gertten

Bikes vs. Cars is the new documentary by Bananas!* director Fredrik Gertten. It's due for release spring 2015.

Growing up and living in Sweden, the hostile environment and the opposition some cyclists in the documentary find themselves in, seem very foreign to me. In this regard, Sweden is much more like Denmark.

This is truly one important documentary and I eagerly wait for its release.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Miami Vice Score: How It Was Made

Jan Hammer talks to Rolling Stone about writing tropical music in a snowy New York for the 80's TV show Miami Vice, the pressure of having to write large pieces of score for every episode and still keeping it fresh, and being creatively free:

For the four years that I worked on the show, yes. I would usually get a rough cut of the episode, with some of the [licensed] songs already placed in. Sometimes I was able to work in and out of those songs, and make transitions. Sometimes I'd just go off on whatever struck me. I never read the script. Getting caught up in the excitement of the story — that's how I was able to get inspired writing music for it.

The pilot, however, was done more of the old-fashioned way. I was in L.A. with Michael in the screening room, deciding where the music would go. When we finished, Michael took me aside and said, "When the show gets picked up, I want you to run with this." That was the password for me to be totally free. I was able to decide what kind of music to write, and where to place it in the story — how to drive the narrative. It's very unusual and I'm very grateful for him, as he said, letting me "run with it."

Jan Hammer on Dutch television with one of my favorite tracks, Crockett's Theme:

Featured image: Jan Hammer during a Fairlight Q and A. Via Fairlight.

The Pocket Pizza Journal

The Pocket Pizza Journal from Scott's Pizza Tours makes it easy to capture your best pizza moments.

Printed in Portland, Oregon with vegetable-based inks on 100% recycled paper.

The Man Behind the Twitter Sensation UberFacts

Starting out in 2009 while in college, Kris Sanchez's persistent work with his Twitter account UberFacts has now turned into serious business:

UberFacts might seem like one of those deceptively simple ideas that we all could have thought of, had we been thinking about deceptively simple ideas that would take off on Twitter. But the art of the brand is more than just coming up with oddball trivia and shaving it down to 140 characters. Sanchez has a unique style that is itself deceptively simple, as well as a knack for coming up with facts that walk the line between totally unbelievable and just believable enough. Sample: "Blue whales are so big that a human can swim through their largest veins and arteries."

He is also a keen student of how the web works.

Says Jones [Scott Jones, the CEO of ChaCha]: “Kris only had 200,000 followers when we first met. And in just a matter of a few years, he’s grown that to 7 million. The real trick he pulled off is, he’s tweeting at the right times, and tweeting stuff that resonates. He pays attention to the engagement level of his audience, and he tweets more of the stuff that works and less of the stuff that doesn’t work.”

Featured image: Kris Sanchez via the UberFacts site.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Saipancakes: Not Your Ordinary Pancakes

This dad started to make silly pancakes to entertain his kids while living in Saipan. Some pancakes later and he has definitely turned this into serious art.

The Beatles pancakes:

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Bubble Gum Pink Lake in Western Australia

The water in Lake Hillier located in Western Australia looks like bubble gum pink when seen from above. It's currently not entirely known why the water is pink, but one guess is that it's caused by dye created by some organisms or due to red halophilic bacteria in the salt crusts. Reminds me of the toxic soda lakes I've written about previously.

SciShow gives us the details:

Featured image: Via Found the World.

Monday, October 6, 2014

25 Years Later: 9 New Episodes of Twin Peaks to Be Shown on Showtime in 2016

David Lynch and Mark Frost will start shooting 9 episodes of Twin Peaks in 2015:

How to Use Essential Oils

A Cup of Jo has compiled a great little list on how to use essential oils, everything from how to create your very own fragrance to how to get your vacuum cleaner to smell fresh.

Featured image: Photos by Kate Jordan for A Cup of Jo.

Detroit Tigers Turned to Transcendental Meditation

Back in the 70's, some of the members of Detroit Tigers turned to Transcendental Meditation to relieve tensions and stress in mind and body:

From the Lakeland Ledger - Apr 27, 1975.

Tip: See also my post "Transcendental Meditation and the Alternatives".

Via @ChillRadio365.

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