Thursday, April 7, 2016

An Online Video Course in Vedic and Mindfulness Meditation by Meditation Teacher Charlie Knoles

Charlie Knoles (@charlieknoles) is a Vedic Meditation teacher who runs The Veda Center in New York and Los Angeles together with his father Thom Knoles.

Vedic Meditation is a mantra-based meditation which Knoles' father learned in the '60s working close with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of the Transcendental Meditation movement.

Like Transcendental Meditation, you preferably practice the Vedic Meditation technique twice a day for twenty minutes, morning and evening.

A Video-based Meditation Course

MindBodyGreen has joined forces with Charlie Knoles and created the video-based course "The Essential Guide To Meditation" where you'll learn Vedic Meditation and mindfulness meditation as well. Added tips and techniques can help you grow and maintain a correct meditation practice, which will leave you with a good understanding of what happens with your mind and body during practice.

One of the most exciting things with this course is, that you'll learn and master the practice of Vedic Meditation. The only difference is that Knoles will give you a general mantra to work with, instead of a personalized one that you receive during a live class.

Six Hours of Teaching

The course consists of 6 modules that include 44 sessions with a total running time of six hours. You also have access to a discussion board where you can ask questions and interact with Charlie Knoles and other participants.

Preview the Course

To help you decide if this course is for you, MindBodyGreen lets you preview the full course for 10 minutes. By so doing, you provide them with your email adress that let alone will suffice, which will subscribe you to their email list, but with a no hassle option to unsubscribe anytime. I've experienced this myself, and after I had successfully unsubscribed, they haven't sent me any further messages.

Good Value of Money

Compared to the usual cost of learning Vedic Meditation and other similar mantra techniques such as Primordial Sound Meditation and Transcendental Meditation, usually ranging from between $395 up to $1000, MindBodyGreen's price of $99.99 is good value of money.

Still Looking for Alternatives?

If you're still looking for mantra-based meditation techniques, or you just want to learn from more than one resource like myself, my mantra meditation post might be of assistance.

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