Monday, May 30, 2016

Claire Denise Hoffman's Memoir About Growing Up in Transcendental Meditation Town Fairfield

Journalist and author Claire Hoffman grew up in Fairfield, Iowa, where the Transcendental Meditation movement had located in 1975. Her new book, "Greetings from Utopia Park: Surviving a Transcendent Childhood" tells the fascinating story about how it was growing up and live in a Midwest meditation community.

The following essay published in Vogue is part of the book:

The idea of living in Iowa thrilled me. I imagined an existence somewhere between Little House on the Prairie and Charlotte's Web. Barnyard animals would dance, and I would roll through lush meadows and learn to ride a bike. At long last, I might also finally have friends who, like me, meditated twice a day.

I tried it for the first time when I was 3 years old, in the back room of the Transcendental Meditation Center's Manhattan office. Incense burned in front of a framed painting of Maharishi. My teacher, a young man in a butter-yellow suit, whispered my mantra to me. By the time I was 5 this secret sound had become an essential part of who I was, and I'd taken to repeating it to myself to push away the chaos of my rupturing family.

A few other related and great reads worth mentioning include Hoffman's article "David Lynch Is Back … as a Guru of Transcendental Meditation" and Grace Bello's article in Papermag called "Growing Up in Fairfield, Iowa – America's Transcendental Meditation Mecca", in which Hoffman is interviewed.

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