South Korean Nam Seok Byun has the ability to balance objects that at first glance seem impossible to balance, by using a rock (hence his nickname Rocky).
Via A Plus.
South Korean Nam Seok Byun has the ability to balance objects that at first glance seem impossible to balance, by using a rock (hence his nickname Rocky).
Via A Plus.
Cyclists in New York City increase in numbers, and so does bicycle thefts. Someone who has experienced this many times over is filmmaker Casey Neistat, and he now tries to grow public awareness about the matter with an experiment since prior solutions seem unable to stop this negative trend.
I was 20 years old when I moved to New York City on a Friday in June 2001. I brought all the clothes I could fit in a big duffel bag, along with my bicycle. Monday morning I was to report to my new job as a bike messenger. Saturday, my first full day in Manhattan, my bike was stolen.
In the nearly 11 years since that day, I have had countless bikes and parts stolen. I've used the most secure locks, registered my bike with the N.Y.P.D., and parked in only the most conspicuous locations. But I've found only one sure way of keeping my bike secure: keeping it indoors. During business hours I keep my bike in my office and when I get home I carry it up four flights of stairs.
Solutions to the bike theft problem are hard to find. More bike racks in better-lit areas, stronger locks and bike garages all help. But ultimately, greater public awareness may be the only way to substantially curb theft. If someone saw a car being stolen, they would surely call the police. Why should a bike be any different?
Electronic music pioneer Jean-Michel Jarre is interviewed by technology company Native Instruments in his studio about the pioneering electronic music he began to create in the 70's and how his working methods have changed over the years with the development of technology.
Jean-Michel Jarre is a composer, performer, songwriter, and producer whose pioneering approach to electronic music and live performance has influenced a generation. After studying with Pierre Schaeffer, creator of musique concrete at the Groupe de Recherches Musicales (GRM), Jarre recorded the seminal 1976 album Oxygène in his makeshift home studio – the album sold 18 million copies internationally. Jarre's 17 studio albums have totaled over 80 million sales, and he resides in the Guinness Book of Records for the largest concert attendance for a show in 1997.
"I always had this organic approach to sound, mixing acoustic instruments, hardware and electronic processing. At the same time, I tried to continuously equip my studio with the latest tools, testing and adding new technologies. That way I could best explore all the concepts I had in mind. For my album Zoolook, I traveled around the globe to record samples of voices and sounds in a very traditional, acoustic way – but then used the Fairlight in the studio, which at that time (1984) was the state-of-the-art sampling machine.
This exploration and mixing of technologies has followed me throughout my whole career, from the first modular synth, to polyphonic synths, drum machines, digital keyboards, plug-ins… I'm now even using a few iPad apps. Exploring new technologies keeps my curiosity alive and inspires me to go further in what I do."
Jean-Michel Jarre on the evolution of music technology – part 1:
Jean-Michel Jarre on the evolution of music technology – part 2:
Actor and comedian Chris Rock was host for this year's Oscars, the 88th Academy Awards, and he opened the event with one great monologue that tackled Hollywood's racial diversity issues.
Record producer Rick Rubin founded his and Russell Simmons' record label Def Jam in his dorm room at New York University in '84. Now, thirty years later in 2014, he returns to the dorm room and sits down for an interview with Rolling Stone about the early work.
If you're just going to see a few films this year, don't miss out on this one – the documentary "That Sugar Film" (2014) – a film that I'll keep on recommending for a long time to come.
Australian director Damon Gameau starts to research how much sugar so-called "healthy" foods and snacks really contain and how detrimental the amount of sugar we more often than not unknowingly intake has on our bodies. What you're going to find out will probably surprise and/or shock you.
THAT SUGAR FILM is one man's journey to discover the bitter truth about sugar. Damon Gameau embarks on a unique experiment to document the effects of a high sugar diet on a healthy body, consuming only foods that are commonly perceived as 'healthy'. Through this entertaining and informative journey, Damon highlights some of the issues that plague the sugar industry, and where sugar lurks on supermarket shelves. THAT SUGAR FILM will forever change the way you think about 'healthy' food.
Watch the full film:
From the The New York Times, political strategist Mark McKinnon takes us through the vital things that win presidential elections.
Via Devour.
The upcoming full feature film "Loving Vincent" (2016) from Oscar-winning studio BreakThru Films is all made up of animated paintings in the style of Van Gogh.
From BreakThru Films' Kickstarter page:
What is truly groundbreaking about "Loving Vincent" is that every frame of the film is an oil painting on canvas, using the very same technique in which Vincent himself painted. And what makes it a great story to experience is the intriguing, tragic, and inspiring story of Vincent Van Gogh himself.
Our kickstarter campaign will allow us to train 40 painters who will then be able to work on the film, bringing the paintings and life of Vincent Van Gogh to swirling life on the big screen!
Via Holy Kaw.
In this short TED talk "How to Make Stress Your Friend" by health psychologist Kelly McGonigal, she reveals scientific findings that show that we ought to befriend stress instead of making it into an dreaded enemy.
Stress. It makes your heart pound, your breathing quicken and your forehead sweat. But while stress has been made into a public health enemy, new research suggests that stress may only be bad for you if you believe that to be the case. Psychologist Kelly McGonigal urges us to see stress as a positive, and introduces us to an unsung mechanism for stress reduction: reaching out to others.
Humans are not the only ones longing for a swim during warm summer days!
Look at the perfectly executed dives by the Jack Russell terrier named Titti, that she takes with her owner into the natural pool St. Peter's Pool in Malta.
Via Holy Kaw.
For the real-estate blog network Curbed, Aaron Seward returns to his former hometown Fairfield, Iowa, where the Transcendental Meditation movement is located, to take a closer look at the town's Vastu architecture that has evolved since the 90's.
Maharishi Vastu, also called Maharishi Sthapatya Veda, is the architectural corollary of the practice of Transcendental Meditation. It evolved as part of the TM movement's effort to extend its brand to cover all aspects of life. The movement and its followers have been designing and erecting Sthapatya Vedic buildings for the past 20 years, primarily in Fairfield and its environs, but also in communities throughout the world. My trip last autumn was, in part, to slake a professional curiosity—I’m an architectural journalist. My investigation also had a personal dimension. This was far from my first trip to Fairfield. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, I went through one year of junior high and two years of high school at MSAE [Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment]. My parents, practitioners of TM since the late 1960s, taught my brother and me to meditate when we were seven years old. We were one of many TM families who came from large cosmopolitan centers—Houston, Texas, in our case—to be part of this community of spiritual seekers located incongruously in the corn belt of Jefferson County, Iowa.
Traffic sign for Vedic City:
A Vastu home on Heavenly Lane:
Featured image: The Maharishi Tower of Invincibility
A user on Reddit posted a series of interesting pictures from inside an olive oil soap factory in Syria.
Aleppo or olive oil soap is a famous type of handmade soap that is made from only three ingredients, and is world-renowned for leaving skin clean and soft.
The ingredients are simple: olive oil (roughly 82%), laurel oil (roughly 12%) and soda (water and lye) [source]. Olives and laurel berries grow wild throughout northern Syria and southeast Turkey.
The award-winning short "Down The Stream" tells the story and dreams of the children who live on the river in Long Xuyên, Vietnam.
They seem to live a rather harsh life with no real access to education, a limited supply of food and other things we most of the times take for granted. Despite all of this, they appear to be extremely joyous, grateful, responsible and having big dreams for the future.
But, thankfully, this short film made an impact. The films director Mai Huyen Chi wrote the following:
12 days after this video was uploaded and shared on Facebook, we have received overwhelmingly warm responses from the public in Vietnam. As I am writing this, a great many are offering to help the kids. A few friends and myself are developing an action plan, most possibly a mobile school and creativity centre as the most immediate goal, before we launch an official project and start to accept support in kinds or manpower.
There may be a happy ending to follow, after all. We'll see.
Via Attitude at Rome.
Back in 2004, Englishman Ashley Revell did something you usually only seen happening in films – he sold all of his belongings, head to Vegas and bet $135,300 (£75,000) on a single roulette spin.
The event was filmed by Sky One for their mini-series "Double or Nothing", capturing the big game and Revell's life for the following month.
Red or black? Win or lose? Look for yourself!
Featured image: Cropped lobby card with actors James Caan and Lauren Hutton in the film "The Gambler" (1974). Via Lewis Wayne Gallery.
Via Holy Kaw.
Oh, this is a real treat for design and typography lovers! Matthew Coolidge, founder of The Center for Land Use Interpretation, bought a collection of vintage business cards that were used by the people responsible for building America's nuclear program in the 60's and 70's.
Hy-Test Safety Shoes. Brainpower USA. General Astrometals (a subsidiary of the Anaconda Company). Halliburton. The companies that helped build America's nuclear program range from the banal to the obscure to the ominous. Their business cards, collected by the thousands in Rolodexes by engineers at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in the 1960s and '70s, give us an unusual glimpse into what was arguably the most transformative technological project in modern history.
Those business cards would've been lost to history had Matthew Coolidge not come across them. Coolidge is the founder of the The Center for Land Use Interpretation and the force behind Los Alamos Rolodex: Doing Business With The National Lab, a project and book that examine the cards. He bought the collection a few years ago from the Los Alamos Black Hole, a kind of scrapyard where much of the lab's refuse ended up.
James Kingston climbed the world's tallest residental building called Marina 101 in Dubai Marina, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The 101-storey skyscraper that measures 426.5 m (1,399 ft) high, is currently under construction.
Try to watch the ascent without getting sweaty palms and some adrenaline pumping in your system. I failed!
From the archive: Watch Kingston climb the arch on Wembley Stadium.
Via Holy Kaw.
Nowness presents the short "Getting There: Ed Ruscha" in which artist Ed Ruscha, and observant driver, takes director and photographer Matthew Donaldson for an enlightening ride, driving through a beautiful and sunny Los Angeles.
Ed Ruscha took Matthew Donaldson on a Los Angeles ride through memory lane, from the artist's Culver City studio—that started life as one of Howard Hughes’ aircraft parts factories—to Silverlake and around Echo Park where the filmmaker lived as a child.
For the second in our series Getting There, Ruscha drove his black 2000 Lexus down roads and past buildings that he has tirelessly documented during his storied career. From his paintings of gas stations and the film Miracle to the books that capture the ever-evolving landscape of Los Angeles, much of Ruscha’s work is deeply rooted in the culture of the automobile and the vernacular of Southern California, the state he adopted as his home after driving there from Oklahoma City in 1956 to attend art school.
Via The Wild.
The selection of stock photos sometimes feels rather strange. For example, how many times haven't you seen a woman or a man wearing a costume, standing in a starting position on a running track?!
DigitalRev took advantage of this and created the short "Stock Photos IRL".
Jerry Seinfeld thinks back on the pivotal moment when he realized he could make a living being a comedian and handed in his resignation at Brew Burger.
I would make about $14 to $17 a day, which I could live on. And then I got a job emceeing at the Comic Strip on Second Avenue and 81st, and that paid $25. Then I got two nights — that made it $50, so then I had $50 a week, and I thought, I think I can live on $50 a week. I handed in my apron — I remember the moment so clearly. It was a red apron, and I gave it to the guy across the bar, and I knew this was the greatest moment of my life. I knew that I would never again not be telling jokes to make money.
Featured image: Jerry Seinfeld performs at the Comic Strip Live. Taken from the documentary "Eat Drink Laugh: The Story of the Comic Strip" (2014).
You have probably more than once seen the posters printed with the slogan "Keep Calm and Carry On" and/or variations of it.
I had no idea of the slogan's history, but it turns out it origins from the Second World War to instill peace in the British people and was re-discovered in 2000 when one of these propaganda war posters was found in a box by secondhand bookshop Barter Books.
Via Holy Kow.
If you're an iPhone or iPad user, you can with the app Bebot turn those devices into powerful synthesizers.
Bebot is a musical instrument that anyone can play. Instead of a keyboard, it has an easy-to-use touch control system. And it's all built into a friendly animated robot, who performs your music while you play.
Although it looks simple on the outside, inside is a powerful synthesizer engine which lets you create and edit your own sounds and apply effects.
The touch control system lets you lock in a scale so that you'll never play a wrong note, making it easy to play on an iPhone, and even easier on an iPad.
I became aware of this magnificent app after having seen Norwegian comedy duo Ylvis pranking gym visitors with an app similar to this. The 2.12 minute mark gets me everytime!
Filmmaker and photographer Jose A. Hervas shot the breathtaking time lapse "Lofoten Eternal Lights" after having spent two weeks on the beautiful Lofoten Islands, Norway.
Via Tjock (SE). H/t Fstoppers.
Photographer Christopher Herwig began his work with documenting bus stops that were built during the Soviet-era in 2002, and after extensive travel, these images has now been brought together in his book "Soviet Bus Stops" (2015).
Photographer Christopher Herwig first discovered the unusual architecture of Soviet-era bus stops during a 2002 long-distance bike ride from London to St. Petersburg. Challenging himself to take one good photograph every hour, Herwig began to notice surprisingly designed bus stops on otherwise deserted stretches of road. Twelve years later, Herwig had covered more than 18,000 miles in 14 countries of the former Soviet Union, traveling by car, bike, bus and taxi to hunt down and document these bus stops.
The local bus stop proved to be fertile ground for local artistic experimentation in the Soviet period, and was built seemingly without design restrictions or budgetary concerns. The result is an astonishing variety of styles and types across the region, from the strictest Brutalism to exuberant whimsy.
Soviet Bus Stops is the most comprehensive and diverse collection of Soviet bus stop design ever assembled, including examples from Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, the disputed region of Abkhazia, Georgia, Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus and Estonia. Originally published in a quickly sold-out limited edition, Soviet Bus Stops, named one of the best photobooks of 2014 by Martin Parr, is now available in this highly anticipated, expanded smaller-format trade edition.
Balti, Moldova:
Karakol, Kyrgyzstan:
Saratek, Armenia:
Another photographer that I have previously written about is Alexandra Soldatova, who has taken on a project similar to this in which she documents murals that have been painted onto bus stops in Belarus.
Featured image: Bus stop in Taldykorgan, Kazakhstan.
Via Boing Boing.
Comedian Steve Trevino let us know what happens when his wife comes home from a day of shopping and it all turns into an 'involuntary game of "The Price Is Right". Hilarious!
Watch a longer segment from Trevino's one-hour special "Steve Trevino: Relatable" (2014):
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Australian freelance photojournalist Warren Richardson won the 2016 World Press Photo Contest arranged by nonprofit organization World Press Photo with his photograph "Hope for a New Life", depicting a baby getting carefully lifted through a barbed-wire fence at the Hungarian-Serbian border in Röszke, Hungary, 28 August 2015.
Each year, the World Press Photo Foundation selects some of the most powerful images that informed and inspired people around the world. This year's winners were selected from 82,951 entries made by 5,775 photographers hailing from 128 different countries, according to the foundation.
"Storm Front on Bondi Beach" – Winning entry in the category "Nature" by photographer Rohan Kelly, Australia. "A massive 'cloud tsunami' looms over Sydney as a sunbather reads, oblivious to the approaching cloud on Bondi Beach" on November 6, 2015:
"Exposure" – Winning entry in the category "People" by photographer Kazuma Obara based in UK and Japan. A photo essay about the aftermath of the nuclear accident in Chernobyl on 26 April 1986:
Featured image: The winning photograph by Warren Richardson.
I searched for the following clip last month or so after having seen this amazing bike run on a TV show, but was unable to find it, until now.
Watch the intense and speedy urban mountain bike run by rider Marcelo Gutierrez done in Manizales, Colombia. Just incredible!
Via Holy Kaw.
The three-year-old Norwegian cat Jesper acts more like a dog than a cat when it comes to endurance and strength. He apparently loves to join his owner for some cross-country skiing, and while he's not really towing his owner acccording to some of Daily Mail's readers, he sometimes runs ahead of her wearing a collar and harness.
Documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock, best known for documentary films such as "Super Size Me" (2004) and "The Greatest Movie Ever Sold" (2011), sits down with UK-based film magazine Total Film and tells them some of his favorite top documentaries.
I love documentaries, so I compiled Spurlock's suggestions in a short list for future reference.
Featured image: George Stephanopoulos and James Carville in "The War Room" (1993). Via Cagey Films.
In the documentary "The Space in Between: Marina Abramovic and Brazil" (2016), we follow performance artist Marina Abramović to Brazil as she's looking to find power spots and does spiritual work:
Marina Abramovic travels through Brazil, in search of personal healing and artistic inspiration, experiencing sacred rituals and revealing her creative process. The route is comprised of poignant encounters with healers and sages from the Brazilian countryside, exploring the limits between art and spirituality. The film features healing sessions with the medium John of God in Abadiania, herb healers in Chapada dos Veadeiros, spiritual rituals at Vale do Amanhecer in Brasilia, the strength of religious syncretism in Bahia, ayahuasca in Chapada Diamantina, shamanic processes in Curitiba and energy of crystals in Minas Gerais. This external trip triggers in Marina a profound introspective journey through memories, pain and past experiences.
A mixture between road movie and spiritual thriller, the documentary brings an unprecedented approach of the intimate creative process of one of the most important artists of our time.
Watch trailer:
The documentary premieres at South by Southwest (SXSW) on Sunday, March 13.
Via The Creators Project.
Once thing is for sure – the 2016 United States presidential election keeps us engaged and entertained, sometimes in unexpected and creative ways.
Recently, a manipulated image began circling the net, depicting the portrait of Donald Trump sitting on a wall in the restroom of St Christopher's Inns hostel in Paris, perfectly aligned to one of the existing Rolling Stones-inspired urinals.
Is visually shaming presidential candidates the best way to boycott them? Last week, an image surfaced of US presidential candidate and consummate foulmouth Donald Trump with his face wrapped around a lip-shaped urinal by Dutch designer Meike van Schijndel. It's a snapshot from the men's washroom of Belushi's Bar in the St Christopher's Inns hostel in Paris – but it isn't real. It's a Photoshopped masterpiece by two California-based artists, William Duke and Brandon Griffin.
Ever since Trump stepped up for the Republican candidacy, the megalomaniac billionaire has sparked a fiery, comedic movement of "Trump art". Unlike Shepard Fairey, who painted the Barack Obama Hope poster in 2008, artists are fighting with Photoshop, spray cans and menstrual blood-covered paintbrushes. Trump has become the art world's joker – or, oddly enough, their trump card.
Via Bored Panda. H/t Dangerous Minds.
Singer and songwriter Freddie Mercury, well-known as the lead vocalist of the band Queen, was without a doubt one of the greatest singers in modern times. Here, thanks to the work of, we can hear Mercury's isolated vocals when he performs "We Are The Champions" taken from Queen's album "News of the World" (1977).
Mercury has consistently been voted best male rock singer of all time in various polls. It's not often these days you find someone who is a great singer and also a great songwriter. Freddie was both. He wrote many chart-topping hits and performed them to sold-out crowds.
This is an exclusive treat from The isolated vocals have been combined with four sets of different concert footages and a studio recording. […]
Via 7 Deadly Mag.
Wow, this portrait brought tears to my eyes! Nowness presents filmmaker Rebecca Dreyfus' portrait of the late novelist and long time Zen student Peter Matthiessen, author of the critically acclaimed "The Snow Leopard" (1978).
I have yet to read "The Snow Leopard", but if I'm not mistaken, mindfulness expert Dr. Jon Kabat–Zinn included some excerpts from it and included them in his wonderful book "Wherever You Go, There You Are", a book that I highly recommend to all that are interested in meditation.
The interview is part of Dreyfus' on-going series "On Meditation".
Action on Sugar is a charity that consists of a group of specialists that research sugar's effects on health. They have just released some rather shocking data, which reveals that many hot flavoured drinks from well-known companies such as Starbucks, Costa Coffee and KFC contain large amounts of added sugar. For example, one of Starbucks' Hot Mulled Fruits contained 25 teaspoons of sugar per serving compared to a can of (unhealthy) Coke with only 9 teaspoons per can.
With an estimated 1.7 billion cups of coffee sold each year in the UK from over 18,000 outlets and one in five of the population (including teenagers) visiting a coffee shop daily, campaign group Action on Sugar is today warning of the dangerously high sugar content of certain hot beverages found in many high street coffee shop chains.
This new research by Action on Sugar shows that 98% of the 131 hot flavoured drinks analysed would receive a 'red' (high) label for excessive levels of sugars per serving as sold.
What's more, 35% of the hot flavoured drinks contain the same amount or more sugars than Coca Cola, which contains a massive 9 teaspoons of sugar per can – equivalent to 7 chocolate biscuits.
The worst offender is the Starbuck's Hot Mulled Fruit - Grape with Chai, Orange and Cinnamon Venti (extra-large) – a mix of chai and fruit concentrate, topped with a cinnamon stick and a slice of orange – which contains 25 teaspoons of sugar (that's the equivalent of sugar in 5 muffins), followed by Costa Coffee's Chai Latte (large) with a massive 20 teaspoons of sugar. Interestingly, a Starbuck's Hot Mulled Fruit - Grape with Chai, Orange and Cinnamon Tall (medium) has almost half the amount of sugar than the larger sized cup (13 vs 25 tsp).
Featured image: Cropped vintage ad for Domino's Pure Cane Sugar from 1955. Via Keg Foam.
In Nazaré, Portugal, surfers come together to surf some of the biggest waves in the world. And when conditions get real rough, it's Black Naza time (YouTube link).
Nazaré is the world's stage for the biggest waves ever ridden, most of the memorable rides so far were all during big days with favourable or at least sufficient conditions for surfers and safety teams to ride and operate… when conditions go beyond that point, we call it Black Naza.
Via Holy Kaw.
Are you a New Yorker who needs some inspiration on where to find a new pizza joint, or you just happen to love pizza?!
Take a few minutes and enjoy food author and filmmaker George Motz's short documentary "Brooklyn Pizza" (2008) and watch the food masters of Totonno's, Grimaldi's and Di Fara's make the perfect pizza from dough to pie.
The organization and site Twin Galaxies keeps track of video game world records. It was founded by gaming enthusiast/meditator/musician Walter Day in 1981, who took care of its operations until 2010.
Filmmaker Lara Hidalgo made the short "Twin Galaxies and the Golden Domes" about Day's work and interviewed him at his home in Fairfield, Iowa, an interview that also covers his practice of Transcendental Meditation.
Update: Had to remove the embeded video because of the autoplay function. Watch it here instead.
Watch the short in three-parts on Vimeo:
From 2013, Jesse Pearson, former editor in chief of Vice magazine, talks to The New York Times about his transition from Vice to creating his own creative magazine called "Apology".
Apology's content, a mix of fiction, literary nonfiction, photography and cultural reporting, ranges from the comedic to the arcane. There is a 58-page question-and-answer with the Adult Swim satirists "Tim and Eric"; a sit-down with John Ashbery conducted during a visit to the poet's antique clapboard-and-stone house in Hudson, N.Y.; and a transcript of a wonky panel discussion about "The Endangered Semicolon." The cover photo by Roe Ethridge evokes the floral artwork from a 1983 L.P. by the band New Order. Mr. Pearson hopes the idiosyncratic, almost zine-like appeal will help distinguish Apology from the cultural exclusivity of journals like n+1 and The Paris Review, while piquing the interest of readers familiar with his previous editorial pursuits.
"I guess what I’m talking about is moving out of the hipster ghetto," he said, scrolling through proofs on his two MacBook Pros. "Can I make the semicolon interesting to people who used to be into the kind of stuff I did at Vice? Because I really want to be able to."
Featured image: Jesse Pearson's portrait by photographer Danny Ghitis / The New York Times
In Business Insider, corporate speaker Jullien Gordon tells the differences between a high performer who works in a healthy way, and the workaholic who risks getting burned out.
Gordon says that a high performer knows when to "turn it up." They know when they're expected or required to give everything they have — and they save their energy for those occasions.
"They don't buy into the illusion of 110%," he writes in the LinkedIn post. "They know that 110% is unsustainable. Instead they focus on increasing their capacity so that their 100% is better than the competition's 110%."
A workaholic attempts to go all out all the time: "They have difficulty prioritizing what's important, therefore, everything is important in their mind."
He tells Business Insider: "The hardest worker doesn't always win, but the winner does work harder."
Los Angeles Times staff photographer Jay L. Clendenin used his vintage Polaroid Land Camera 180 loaded with Fuji's instant film when it was time for this year's Sundance Film Festival and celebrity portraits in an attempt to differ from the work of other publications. Before Sundance Film Festival, Clendenin had shot celebrity Polaroid-portraits during last year's Comic-Con in San Diego and Toronto International Film Festival.
This current love affair began in July 2015, when we pulled off our first studio at Comic-Con in San Diego. Wanting to try something unique to add to our digital coverage, I shot a set of these “Polaroid-style” portraits, which were a hit with our subjects.
Next we tackled the Toronto International Film Festival in the fall of 2015 with the process, to an even bigger response — word spread and publicists and subjects began asking to do a "polaroid" when they entered our space.
Director Todd Solondz at the Sundance Film Festival 2016 in Park City, Utah:
Director and actor Don Cheadle at the Sundance Film Festival 2016 in Park City, Utah:
Featured image: Actress Alicia Vikander.
Author and director Cyril Dion has together with actress Mélanie Laurent made the documentary "Tomorrow" (Demain) that focuses on climate change and how to reverse this with environmentally friendly alternatives.
Showing solutions, telling a feel-good story… this may be the best way to solve the ecological, economical and social crises that our countries are going through. After a special briefing for the journal Nature announced the possible extinction of a part of mankind before the end of the 21st century, Cyril Dion and Mélanie Laurent, together with a team of four people, carried out an investigation in ten different countries to figure out what may lead to this disaster and above all how to avoid it.
During their journey, they met the pioneers who are re-inventing agriculture, energy, economy, democracy and education. Joining those concrete and positive actions which are already working, they began to figure out what could be tomorrow's world…
Watch trailer:
Via Mélanie Laurent.
By using Google Maps and studying historic photos from the area, Swede Erik Björnwall has created a fantasy railway station and miniature town called "Martindale–Jefferson City 1955" that resembles a society found in Wisconsin, USA, in the 50's.
Unfortunately, I can't find any streaming footage of Martindale, so I leave you with this video about Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg instead. Miniatur Wunderland has the largest model railway in the world and lots of other great objects built in miniature format.
Other great miniature work I've previously written about include artist Michael Paul Smith's miniature town Elgin Park and photographer Frank Kunert's photo series of small worlds.
Imgage credit: Copyright Erik Björnwall
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