Monday, March 20, 2017

The Comeback of the Vintage IBM Think Notepad

Thomas J. Watson, the founder of the technology company IBM, considered the thought as "the father of every advance since time began".

So, when he joined the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (later to be renamed International Business Machines (IBM) in 1924, he incorporated the "Think" motto throughout the company, which got printed on objects like desk signs and notepads.

When Thomas J. Watson joins the Computer-Tabulating Recording Company -- the forerunner of today's IBM -- in 1914, he brings with him the "Think" motto he coined when he managed the sales and advertising departments at the National Cash Register Company. "Thought," he says, "has been the father of every advance since time began. 'I didn't think' has cost the world millions of dollars." Soon, the one-word slogan "THINK" appears in large block-letter signs in offices and plants throughout the company.

I learned about these notepads back in 2009, and during the last couple of years, I have managed to get hold of a few Think notepads from Ebay.

Via Staples Promotional Products, you can now order a Think notepad from the IBM Logostore that looks very similar to the original. The notepad is part of the Think Collection that offers a wide range of office materials.

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