Friday, June 19, 2009

Dole’s Lawyers are Trying to Stop the Documentary BANANAS!

Juan “Accidentes” Dominguez is on his biggest case ever. On behalf of twelve Nicaraguan banana workers he is tackling Dole Food in a ground-breaking legal battle for their use of a banned pesticide that was known by the company to cause sterility. Can he beat the giant, or will the corporation get away with it?

Dole’s lawyers are trying to stop the documentary BANANAS! and because of that, it is my hopings that this documentary will be spread free over the internet so it won´t be possible to prevent people from seeing it.

I strongly reject the exploitation of people, but I guess that as an Western citizen, I contribute to this indirectly by buying goods from multinational companies. I, as one, have to reconsider my purchases.

Documentaries such as this one, shed more light on these kinds of problems and injustices, and hopefully we will act more strongly against this type of behavior than we´ve done in the past.

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