Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Worry, a Powerful Driver by Robert E. Rubin

I haven´t posted anything for a very long time, but now it´s time to get back on track. To start slowly, I´d like to link to an article that a friend sent me some time ago, Worry, a Powerful Driver by former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury and an investment banker Robert E. Rubin. It´s a good read about how to deal with challenging experiences and also a good reminder not to underestimate yourself.

After graduation, I sent a tongue-in-cheek letter to the dean of admissions at Princeton, to which I had not been accepted four years earlier. "I imagine you track the people you graduate," I wrote. "I thought you might be interested to know what happened to one of the people you rejected. I just wanted to tell you that I graduated from Harvard summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa." The dean wrote me back, "Thank you for your note. Every year, we at Princeton feel it is our duty to reject a certain number of highly qualified people so that Harvard can have some good students too."

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