Sunday, January 12, 2014

Bruno Groening and the Healing Stream

A while ago, I ordered the documentary The Phenomenon Bruno Groening - On the track of the " Miracle Healer ". It´s about the german healer Bruno Groening (1906 - 1959) and all the miraculous healings he brought about.

The basic message of the teachings of Bruno Groening is that there is a higher power available to assist and help people. Bruno speaks about a healing stream which originates directly from this higher power, and by putting ourselves in contact and tune in to the healing stream we can stay healthy and be healed of diseases. The technique for doing so is called "einstellen" which is the german word for tuning in. I´m not completely unfamiliar with this process since I´m a Reiki practitioner, however, I´m unsure whether practitioners of Bruno Groening use handpositions as we do in Reiki.

Related reading:

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