Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Multi-Task Table That Will Store Both Your Magazines and Your Beloved Cat

Ruan Hao of Hong Kong’s LYCS Architecture has designed a beautiful "multi-task" table called CATable. It will not only store your magazines, but your cat aswell.

If your cat keeps distracting you from work by sitting on your laptop keyboard or batting at your hands, the CATable, designed by Ruan Hao of Hong Kong’s LYCS Architecture, is the perfect solution. The desk features a smooth workspace on top with a warren of cubby holes just big enough for a kitten to crawl through below.

Cats’ characteristic curiosity is “greatly satisfied through repetitively exploring the unknown path behind the hole,” the designer writes. “It is a table for us, and a paradise for cats.”

It’s the ultimate blogger desk: play with your cat and get some writing done at the same time. When you’re ready for a break, just scoop the feline out and put it back on your lap.

Get that camera out of my face:

Images via Freshome.

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