Friday, May 23, 2014

How to Incorporate Nature into Your Daily Life

Spent some time with my wife earlier today sitting by the city water canal. The water is such a calming element, could sit there for hours. This short article written by Dulma Altan gives you some suggestions about how to incorporate nature into your daily life.

That rejuvenation you feel after a weekend trip to a national park? That’s your body rejoicing. Does gardening in your backyard leaves you a little more refreshed and grounded? Then perhaps tending the soil is, on some level, your body’s way of healing itself. Its intelligence always knows what serves your being best, and those impulses you get—to go hiking, surfing, gardening, or bird watching—are manifestations of that inherent wisdom.

Featured image: Shows a waterfall in Norway named The Seven Sisters via All That Is Interesting.

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