Thursday, May 8, 2014

Starting Your Own Home Yoga Practice

My own yoga practice has always been a home based one. I´ve been doing yoga for nearly 3 years now and I love to do this at home. It´s become a daily habit, I feel the urge to get on the mat and do the practice. Sometimes it´s a long session, sometimes a shorter one. Very often a planned short session transitions into a longer, just because it makes me feel so good. Yoga International´s article written by Kate Hanley lets you know what to think about when starting your own home yoga practice and suggested reasons why you should:

To build a consistent home practice, you need to carve out space for it—metaphorically as well as literally. Perhaps the biggest challenge is finding the time. In order for Pearce-Hayden to keep her home practice alive, she says, “I can’t allow myself to be swayed by the anxiety that nearly always pops up that I can’t afford to take any time away from getting things done.” Taking even a little bit of time to practice grounds you and inspires you, so that when you return to your to-do list, you are more focused and productive. “I’ve come to realize that when I give myself 10 or 15 minutes, the rest of my day feels more spacious,” she says.

Choosing a dedicated area in your home to practice in can also help create room in your psyche for a practice to take root. And that physical space needn’t be large, pretty, or even particularly Zen. “I’ve been practicing for years on a sliver of floor between the fireplace and the coffee table that’s exactly big enough for a yoga mat,” Lee says. “Even though it’s more of a nonspace, all those practices have imbued it with a feeling that is really attractive to me.” Even when you’re dragging your feet, the aura of your regular practice site will make you more likely to visit it. “When you’re in your special spot, you’ll be fully immersed in your practice after only two breaths,” says Lee. “Just looking at it will be a trigger.”

Featured image shows Reinhard Gammenthaler photographed by Adrian Moser via Der Bund.

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