Saturday, June 7, 2014

Artist Decorating Potholes with Mosaic Tiles

Artist Jim Bachor creates his work by using tile mosaics. After a harsh Chicago winter, his work extended to filling up potholes and decorating them with mosaic:

After one of the most brutal winters in over 30 years, Chicago’s streets are pockmarked with an estimated 600,000 gaping potholes, making some streets almost impassable and raising the ire of residents citywide. The issue is so prevalent that the city even created a dedicated Pothole Tracker that shows potholes patched by the Department of Transportation over the last seven days. But some Chicagoans are more proactive and aren’t content to wait for help. One such person is artist Jim Bachor who has taken to filling potholes with original tile mosaics.

A Chicago pothole at Pearson & Wabash got a bit more beautiful:

The piece You Are What You Read that explores Americans’ fascination with supermarket tabloids:

Photo of Jim taken by Kate Sierzputowski.

Story via Inhabitat.

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