Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Abandoned School Once Again Comes Back to Life in This Wondrous Photo Series

Detroiturbex is a website focusing on documenting the past, present and future of the City of Detroit.

In their photo series entitled Cass Tech - Now and Then, they have used old photos from The Cass Technical High School and then overlayed these onto photos of a now abandoned building. The results are interesting and stir up mixed emotions in me, the photos are so full of life, yet at the same time not.

In 2004 new modern facilities were built close to the original building, which got demolished in 2011, so this is a wonderful historical record of a school with a long tradition, established as early as 1907.

A joyous moment when a pep band makes their way through a crowd:

Featured image: The former book store.

Via TwistedSifter.

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