Thursday, August 21, 2014

A Refreshing Way to Look Upon Time Management

Bob Proctor´s mentor Earl Nightingale had a simple way to look upon time management. In a world in which we tend to overanalyze and complicate things, I find this mindset to be so refreshing:

[...] Bob asked Earl, who he was working for at the time how on earth he managed his time, with all the projects, businesses, and commitments he juggled each and every day. There didn’t seem to be enough hours in the day to accomplish all that the famously extremely successful Earl Nightingale accomplished or so he thought.

Earl said “No such thing as managing time, impossible to do and this does not exist…cannot do it. What I do is manage my activities.

Earl continued: “At night before I go to sleep, I plan and write down the 8-10 activities I want to do the next day. This prepares my subconscious mind the night before and sends a signal to the subconscious of all the people I will talk with, meet with, have interactions with… be it meetings, appointments, or phone, while I am sleeping. Additionally, the Universe, the Field, Infinite Intelligence is handling the details while I sleep and is getting everything ready for me so that my day will unfold and progress and that I will accomplish what I set out to do and or be shown what I need to know to accomplish my intentions. [...]

Earl continues with the instructions: “The next day I begin with the first thing on my list of 8-10 things and just focus on the 1st thing on my list…totally focus on that, complete it and go on to the next thing, focus on that…complete it and go on to the next one on my list until my list is completed. Just one thing at a time, do it, complete it, scratch it off the list and go on to the next one.” [You can have a list of less or more…up to you…Charles Schwab says he had 6 action steps on his daily list and that doing similar to the above contributed to his success.]

Earl said: “I am managing my activities not my time and it allows me to stay focused, use the Creative Intelligence of the Universe [...] to help me while I sleep.

Featured image: A vintage Jantar Russian mechanical alarm clock. Via Svpply.

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