Friday, August 1, 2014

Aren't Photogenic: Black Cats Get Abandoned

This is so cynical! Black cats are getting abandoned by their owners because of one of many reasons: they aren´t photogenic:

They may be the symbol of good luck, but black cats have drawn the short straw in one respect: they don't look good in selfies.

Today the RSPCA announced a rise in the number of black cats being abandoned by their owners, and attributed it to them not photographing well.

A spokesman for the animal welfare charity said that more than 70 per cent of the 1,000 cats in its care were black, and blamed the trend for people taking pictures of themselves with their phones.

He said: 'There are a number of reasons for us having so many black cats, including the fact that black animals tend not to photograph as well as other cats with more distinctive markings.

Featured image: One cool looking Bat Cat via Fashionably Geek. Found via Rumiram.

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