Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Business People Turn to Transcendental Meditation

In New York Observer´s article written by Ben Widdicombe, we find that more and more business people practice Transcendental Meditation.

“Some business people were meditating and they came to our fundraising galas,” says Mr. Roth [Bob Roth, executive director of the David Lynch Foundation]. “It spread by word-of-mouth. What interested them was three things: handling stress, the idea of more focus and creativity, but also work-life balance. When they’re home with their kids, they want to be home with their kids. And they appreciate that they sleep better at night.”

One prominent evangelist has been Mr. Dalio. With an estimated net worth of $15.2 billion, Forbes lists him as the 30th-richest person in America. A meditator for 42 years—he heard about TM during the Beatles phase—he offers to pay half the course fee for everyone in his firm.

“I feel a lot less anxiety since I’ve ben meditating. I feel like a ninja in a fight,” Mr. Dalio said in February, on a panel devoted to extoling the virtues of TM to business leaders. “Now, when something comes at me, it seems like it comes in slow-motion.”

Mr. Dalio has introduced several associates to the practice, including leading philanthropist and wealth manager, Mark Axelowitz.

“It’s some time I enjoy doing every day, it’s like two 20-minute vacations,” Mr. Axelowitz wrote to the Observer in an email.

“One of the biggest benefits I believe is I think clearer and make better business and personal decisions. I am in better moods, calmer, happier. It gives me more energy to do things. Which I need, because I am up 18 hours every day doing many different things.”

Featured image: illustration by Anita Kunz.

Via @kenchawkin.

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