Friday, September 5, 2014

The Morning Ritual for Well-known Executives

Business Insider lists what the morning routine looks like for 22 well-known executives. A common thread is to start the day with exercise.

Former Oxygen Channel CEO Gerry Laybourne:

The founder of Oxygen is awake by 6 a.m. and out of the house a half hour later. If you get up early enough she might even take you under her wing, she tells Yahoo Finance:

"Once or twice a week, I go for a walk in Central Park with a young person seeking my advice. This is my way of helping bring along the next generation. And if someone is up early in the morning, then they are serious about life. I can't take time at the office to do this, but doing it in the morning allows me to get exercise and stay connected with young people at the same time."

Richard Branson, founder and chairman of the Virgin Group:

In an interview with Business Insider's Aly Weisman, Branson revealed that he wakes up at about 5:45 in the morning, even when staying at his private island, leaving the curtains drawn so the sun gets him up.

He does his best to use those early hours to exercise before an early breakfast and getting to work.

Featured image: Early morning exercise in London's Hyde Park 1985. Copyright Tim Ayers / Alamy. Via The Huffington Post.


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