Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Bounty Hunting the Loch Ness Monster

In Dr. David Clarke's new book Britain’s X-traordinary Files, he reveals documents that show the National History Museum wanted to catch the Loch Ness monster and display its carcass. This was even on the agenda in the late 60's when Prince Philip wanted to enlist the Royal Navy in an attempt to catch the mysterious creature:

The documents, exposed by David Clarke in his new book Britain’ s X-traordinary Files, show that in March 1934 an unnamed official at the museum issued instructions to 'bounty hunters' on how to tackle the mythical creature.

He said: “Should you ever come within range of the ‘monster’ I hope you will not be deterred by humanitarian considerations from shooting him on the spot and sending the carcass to us in cold storage, carriage forward.

“Short of this, a flipper, a jaw or a tooth would be very welcome.”

The Royal Scottish Museum in Edinburgh didn't take this very lightly and wrote a letter to the Scottish Secretary Sir Godfrey Collins the same year, telling him, among other things, that “the museum urges strongly that the RSM have the reversionary rights to the ‘monster’ if and when its corpse should become available.”

Featured image: The famous Surgeon's Photograph from 1934 that is now considered a hoax.

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