Thursday, October 30, 2014

Will Oasis' Song Titles Help Bringing Back Stolen Band Portrait?

Greater Manchester Police is trying a different route in their work of bringing back a stolen black and white portrait of Oasis painted by artist Olga Tsarevska Lomax.

In a statement, they're quoting the title of the songs The Masterplan and Some Might Say, with the hope they're pleading to an Oasis fan:

Pc Katherine Gosling, said: "Quite what the master plan behind this theft is I don't know, but a local business has been broken into and a one of a kind piece of art work taken.

"This was the only piece taken and some might say we are therefore looking for an Oasis fan - similarly it may have been stolen to order. Regardless we are keen to find it and return it.

Featured image: The painting via BBC News.

Via NME.

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