Tuesday, December 16, 2014

A Bench Pressing Warren Buffett Holiday Card

Warren Buffett's holiday gifts have been sent out together with a nice holiday card of a bench pressing Buffett:

Every year, See’s Candies ships out boxes of their candy as holiday gifts on behalf of Warren Buffett, whose Berkshire Hathaway Inc. has owned See’s since 1972. The boxes come adorned with amusing photographs of Mr. Buffett (at least in the two years yours truly has covered Berkshire and its chairman).

Last year, it was a photo of Mr. Buffett dressed as Walter White, a.k.a. Heisenberg, the character on “Breaking Bad” who was played by Bryan Cranston. The photo came complete with a fake photoshopped beard and a hat that said “Honorary Heisenberg.”

This year’s box has a photograph of Mr. Buffett pretending to bench-press what looks like 200lb, according to some of the newsroom’s regular bench-pressers. Beneath the photo is the caption: “Working off a few pounds after eating my daily allotment of See’s candy.” Yeah, right.

Via @PreetaTweets.

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