Friday, December 12, 2014

Photo Series Power Hungry

Power Hungry is the latest photo series from Henry Hargreaves and Caitlin Levin. By demonstrating how access to food has differed between the rich and poor throughout the ages, they want us to take some time to reflect on these major imbalances:

We want people to literally and figuratively sit down and look across a table to see the glaring disparities between the “haves and have nots.” The world has clearly changed tremendously in just a few short decades. Swathes of the world’s people, once routinely afflicted by sweeping hunger, have more regular access to food than before. Indeed, even some poor populations now face a greater threat from obesity than from starvation.

Yet tremendous imbalances exist in places both far away and closer to home. Many throughout the world are still forced to survive on the most meagre of meals, or nothing at all, while a powerful few lavish in absurd culinary luxuries.

Ancient Egypt – "Power":

Ancient Egypt – "Hungry":

Via Metro (SE) and Neatorama.

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