Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The 100 Trillion Dollar Bill

Atlas Obscura takes us through some of the world's highest currencies.

[…] If a country undergoes a period of hyperinflation, currencies devalue in a very short amount of time, and the government may continue to print out very large denomination bills to compensate, sometimes in the millions, billions, and trillions.

[…] Zimbabwe had printed bills up to its largest, 100 trillion dollars, in 2009. According to the Wall Street Journal, this bill would not have even bought bus fare in the capital of Harare at the time.

Here is the famous 100 trillion Zimbabwean dollar note that won't even get you on the bus:

I must admit, it would be sort of fun to carry around one of these in the wallet. Several are sold through Ebay, so they are not that hard to come by.

Via @loretobgude.

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