Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Advice of Writer Austin Kleon on How to Read More

Writer Austin Kleon sat a personal record last year by reading 70+ books. This is his advice on how to become an avid reader:

  1. Throw your phone in the ocean
  2. Make a budget, buy books you want to read, make a stack of them
    that you walk past every day (library is great, too, of course)
  3. Carry a book with you at all times
  4. If you aren't enjoying a book or learning something from it, stop reading it immediately (flinging it across the room helps give closure)
  5. Schedule 1 hour of nonfiction reading during the day (commute / lunch break is good)
  6. Go to bed 1 hour early and read fiction (it will help you sleep)
  7. Write about the books you read and share with others, as they will send you more books to read

Via @jordisoler.

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