Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Documentary Streit's: Matzo and the American Dream

Located in New York City, Streit's matzo factory produces 40% of the nations matzo, a unleavened Jewish bread that reminds me of the flat bread Swedish tunnbröd. Having been located in the same building since 1925, the documentary "Streit's: Matzo and the American Dream" by filmmaker Michael Levine will be a very unique and historic document since Streit's is about to relocate to a plant in Bergen County.

A great complement to this feature documentary film is the "short-documentary" by Martha Stewart visiting the factory:

Featured image: "A photo from the Streit's archives of an early Streit's Matzo billboard on what appears to be West 181st Street in Manhattan. The billboard advertises "Salty Moon Matzos," a poppy and onion matzo, and the first flavored matzo ever created." Via the documentary Facebook page.

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