Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Scent of the Legend of Zelda

Gametee sells scented candles that draw inspiration from video games such as "The Legend of Zelda". The video games connection isn't that unique for Gametee whose target market is gamers:

Gametee was founded by two sisters with a life-long passion for video games. With the help of 582 inspirational Kickstarter backers who believed in our dream, we, A.J. and Lucy Hateley, were able to fund our first production run of high quality, premium t-shirts for video gamers.

Since then, Gametee has quickly grown to be the preferred choice of gamers who want to look great, feel comfortable, and wear with pride. We deeply love what we do, and we are committed to good business ethics, sustainable production, and fully supporting the gaming community.

Featured image: Hyrulian Forest that's inspired by "The Legend of Zelda".

Via Göteborgs-Posten and Kotaku.

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