Thursday, January 8, 2015

Upstate Diary Interviews Graphic Designer Woody Pirtle

Upstate Diary met up with one of my favorite graphic designers, Woody Pirtle, to discuss various aspects of his professional life and the design industry:

UD: With all this new technology and software that is available for everybody now — do you think that it's still necessary to get a formal education in design?

WP: I do think that it's still a necessity. With continuing advancements in technology and the importance of ever emerging social media, it is crucial to master the tools and principles of design. That said, the availability of a keyboard doesn’t make one a designer. I think that in today’s world it is increasingly important for a young person pursuing a career in design to learn the history and development of graphic design. And, it is equally important to become familiar with the work of pioneers that have been instrumental in establishing the state of design today.

Woody's well-sorted desk:

Photo credit: Kate Orne

Via @pentagram.

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