Monday, May 4, 2015

Improve Your Health with ProBlogger Darren Rowse's Simple Advice

Blogger Darren Rowse wrote an excellent article about improving his health by incorporating a few small daily changes such as walking more and getting started with the 5:2 diet. I can easily identify with some of the things Darren talks about: I exercise daily, and eat healthy food overall, but tend to spend too much time at home, which means I don't walk as much as I should.

It's been 3 months now since I started and I feel a whole heap better than I have in a long time.

Like I said above I'm feeling a lot more alert and productive and just... lighter.

I don't want to lose much more weight but would like to begin to work on increasing my strength and fitness going forward.

By no means is what I'm doing for everyone and nor do I see what I've done so far as anything too remarkable. In fact I'm kind of amazed how a few simple changes have had such an impact.