Monday, August 10, 2015

Photographer Francois Prost's Photo Series of Paris' Suburban Architecture

From French photographer Francois Prost's photo series "Faubourg" depicting suburban architecture of Paris.

Les Choux de Créteil, Val-de-Marne, Paris, by architect Gérard Grandval:

Giralda, Saint-Blaise, 20th arrondissement, Paris, by architecture firm Delaage-Tsaropoulos:

Cité Michelet, 19th arrondissement, Paris, by architects A. Coquet, H. Auffret, D. Auger, P. Hayoit de Bois Lucy, J.P. Cazals and B. Massip:

Les tours Nuages, Nanterre, Hauts-de-Seine, Paris, by architect Émile Aillaud:

Porte de Clignancourt, 18th arrondissement, Paris:

H/t Colors Magazine.

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