Thursday, November 12, 2015

Meet Nine-Year-Old Martial Arts Expert Jesse 'Karate Kid' McParland

Irish nine-year-old Jesse McParland, well-known from this year's "Britain's Got Talent", has been practicing martial arts since the age of three. One of her goals is to become an Olympian, which after seeing her perform, doesn't seems like an unattainable goal.

Miss McParland has been practicing martial arts since the age of three, after deciding she wasn't interested in the more traditional pastimes her mother wanted her to try such as ballet.

Last year she added sword work to her list of skills including kickboxing, kung fu and Tae Kwon Do, with which she has competed and won awards all over the world.

She trains with her coach Sensei Gary Kelly in Ireland four times a week, as well as master Jeff Scott in the UK.

And Miss McParland, who is the World Association of Kick Boxing junior world champion and stars in upcoming film Martial Arts Kid, is now hopeful for an Olympic career.

Jesse during 2014 WAKO Cadets & Juniors World Championships, Rimini, Italy:

Via Holy Kaw.

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