Tuesday, January 5, 2016

My Top List of the Most Inspiring Interviews from Lifehacker's Series 'This Is How I Work'

Lifehackers series "This Is How I Work" is a real favorite of mine. In the series, you get a glimpse of how skilled professionals, mostly writers and individuals with a strong online presence, manage their workdays and what type of resources they're using to establishing a nice workflow. And another important thing – most of them don't neglect sleep and exercise, which for me was a happy discovery.

Here is my list of the 25 most inspiring "This Is How I Work" interviews:

  1. Susan Kare – graphic designer
  2. Tim Ferriss – author and entrepreneur
  3. Zach Frechette – founder of Quarterly Co.
  4. Maria Sebregondi – co-founder of Moleskine
  5. Ryan Holiday – author, marketer, and entrepreneur
  6. Guy Kawasaki – author, publisher and entrepreneur
  7. Anna Holmes – writer, editor, and founder of the blog Jezebel
  8. Jamie Todd Rubin – coder, science fiction and technology writer
  9. Ryan Carson – CEO and co-founder of Treehouse
  10. Kathryn Minshew – CEO of The Muse
  11. Brian Lam – editor and founder of The Wirecutter
  12. James Altucher – investor, hedge fund manager and entrepreneur
  13. Leila Janah – social entrepreneur and CEO of the Sama Group
  14. Chris Anderson – author and entrepreneur
  15. Walter Isaacson – writer and journalist
  16. Pamela Fox – product engineer at Coursera
  17. Dave Greenbaum – owner and technician at DoctorDave Computer Repair, and writer at Lifehacker
  18. Russell Brown – principal designer at Adobe
  19. Clive Thompson – freelance journalist, blogger and science and technology writer
  20. Daniel Pink – author
  21. David McRaney – author
  22. Mike Rowe – host of "Somebody's Gotta Do It"
  23. Ryan North – creator and author of "Dinosaur Comics"
  24. Charles Duhigg – journalist and author
  25. Mark Frauenfelder – editor-in-chief of MAKE and co-editor of Boing Boing

Featured image: hedge fund manager James Altucher

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