Thursday, February 11, 2016

Death Wish Coffee: The World’s Strongest Coffee That Got Even 'Stronger' After Super Bowl

Death Wish Coffee won the competition for small business owners who wanted to advertise during this year's Super Bowl. Forbes' Susan Adams, met up with founder and owner Mike Brown to talk with him about how he came to join this business in the first place, the comapany's growth, lessons learned along the way and how's business after the Super Bowl.

Adams: Before the Super Bowl commercial, how did you market the brand?

Brown: We've tried to do as much free marketing as possible. We've sent the product to news reporters, celebrities, bloggers. Ninety-nine percent of the time I don't hear anything back. But when people wrote reviews about it, we'd see a bump in sales. We also do Facebook ads and Google advertising. Facebook ads work better than Google ads. We get charged about a dollar every time someone clicks on our ad.

Watch the Super Bowl commercial:

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