Tuesday, February 23, 2016

'Getting There: Ed Ruscha': Artist Ed Ruscha's Enlightening Ride Through a Sunny Los Angeles

Nowness presents the short "Getting There: Ed Ruscha" in which artist Ed Ruscha, and observant driver, takes director and photographer Matthew Donaldson for an enlightening ride, driving through a beautiful and sunny Los Angeles.

Ed Ruscha took Matthew Donaldson on a Los Angeles ride through memory lane, from the artist's Culver City studio—that started life as one of Howard Hughes’ aircraft parts factories—to Silverlake and around Echo Park where the filmmaker lived as a child.

For the second in our series Getting There, Ruscha drove his black 2000 Lexus down roads and past buildings that he has tirelessly documented during his storied career. From his paintings of gas stations and the film Miracle to the books that capture the ever-evolving landscape of Los Angeles, much of Ruscha’s work is deeply rooted in the culture of the automobile and the vernacular of Southern California, the state he adopted as his home after driving there from Oklahoma City in 1956 to attend art school.

Via The Wild.

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