Monday, February 8, 2016

'Holy Smoking Toledos!': One Man's Calm Reaction When Sonic Boom Hits During Volcanic Eruption

When the volcanoe Mount Tavurvur erupted in Papua New Guinea on August 29, 2014, one onlooker calmly uttered the words "Holy smoking toledos!", when the sonic boom hit them. I just love the expression!

The behemoth Mount Tavurvur belched out a thick tower of ash thousands of feet into the skies above the island of New Britain early Aug. 29, and Australian taxi driver Phil McNamara got a front row seat to Mother Nature's show.

McNamara and his wife Linda were vacationing in the area when he heard that the volcano was ready to spit out its fury. The Queensland couple made a "spur of the moment" decision to get onto a hotel boat and take a closer look.


But the couple had no idea that their touring boat would be impacted by the blast. The shockwave from the eruption can be seen rippling across the earth and skies, flinging clouds out of the way before hitting the boat with a thunderous roar.

Be sure to lower the sound on your speakers:

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