Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Donald Trump Urinal: There Is No Such Thing as Bad Publicity, Especially for Mr. Trump

Once thing is for sure – the 2016 United States presidential election keeps us engaged and entertained, sometimes in unexpected and creative ways.

Recently, a manipulated image began circling the net, depicting the portrait of Donald Trump sitting on a wall in the restroom of St Christopher's Inns hostel in Paris, perfectly aligned to one of the existing Rolling Stones-inspired urinals.

Is visually shaming presidential candidates the best way to boycott them? Last week, an image surfaced of US presidential candidate and consummate foulmouth Donald Trump with his face wrapped around a lip-shaped urinal by Dutch designer Meike van Schijndel. It's a snapshot from the men's washroom of Belushi's Bar in the St Christopher's Inns hostel in Paris – but it isn't real. It's a Photoshopped masterpiece by two California-based artists, William Duke and Brandon Griffin.

Ever since Trump stepped up for the Republican candidacy, the megalomaniac billionaire has sparked a fiery, comedic movement of "Trump art". Unlike Shepard Fairey, who painted the Barack Obama Hope poster in 2008, artists are fighting with Photoshop, spray cans and menstrual blood-covered paintbrushes. Trump has become the art world's joker – or, oddly enough, their trump card.

Via Bored Panda. H/t Dangerous Minds.

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