Thursday, March 24, 2016

A Collection of Nearly 1,000 Indian Matchbox Labels

A Flickr user has uploaded a wonderful and large collection of Indian matchbox labels. Due to the fact that so many labels appealed to me, this post is rather long.

The following text is taken from the back cover of the book "Matchbook: Indian Match Boxlabels" (2012) by Shahid Datawala:

Sold in every road-side booth, matchboxes are part of daily life in India. Curious, hilarious and visually stunning, matchbox labels come in a staggering variety of designs. Inspired variations on successful labels are an accepted part of the matchbox world, deliciously turning the whole notion of branding upside down.

Matchbook showcases over 500 quirky members of this extended family, and includes a thoughtful essay on locating them within the web of Indian commerce and popular culture.

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