Monday, March 7, 2016

Record Store Owner Discovers 100,000 Mint-Condition Vinyl Records in a West Texas Basement

Rob Sheeley, owner of the record store Mill City Sound, found and bought the stock of 100,000 vinyl records in mint-condition from a record store that closed in '84.

Rob Sheeley thought he might die, right there in that West Texas basement.

Eyes bugged out. Heart pounding. Hyperventilating. They'd find him in a fetal ball at the bottom of the stairs, passed out from sheer excitement.

That's what can happen when dreams come true.

"It took everything I had to keep it together," Sheeley said, describing the January day he walked down those stairs in Big Spring and gazed upon row after row of shelves holding 100,000 virgin discs, the entire vinyl inventory of a record store that closed its doors in 1984.

From Abba to Zappa, it was there. Bruce Springsteen. James Brown. The Ramones. Ozzy Osbourne. Prince. All sealed in their original wrappers.

Image credit: Photographer Jeff Wheeler / Star Tribune

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