Monday, March 14, 2016

The Top 25 Wall Street Films to Watch

The Corporate Culture has compiled a list of the top 21 Wall Street films to watch.

Not available in stores, this nearly 50-hour program includes 25 required viewing classes, and it's free. This guide to the top 20 Wall Street films is not just entertaining, it is educational. From 1981's Rollover to its younger brother Wall Street The Movie, and even the late 90's Pi, these movies explore the complex world of finance. From Danny DeVito in Other People's Money to Eddie Murphy in Trading Places, Wall Street has always relied on its sense of humor to get through the tough times. Some of my favorite picks are Barbarians at the Gate, Working Girl, and the timeless American Psycho. Forget the MBA and watch these 25 films.

Featured image: From the official trailer of "Pi" (1998).

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