Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The 2005 Start-Up Interview with The Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg (and Keg Stands in the Office)

Think for a moment about the major impact Facebook has today and what it has evolved to, and now watch this early start-up interview with Mark Zuckerberg at the Facebook headquarters in Palo Alto, footage that even contains keg stands in the office. Hilarious!

"Its like, now, we'll go to parties on campus. We end up in someone's room, like, there's a Facebook window open. That's pretty cool," says a baby faced Mark Zuckerberg in a 2005 interview about his burgeoning start-up, then known as TheFacebook.com. In those times, The Facebook was only for college students, and its office culture more closely resembled a frat party than the social behemoth we know today.

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