Monday, May 30, 2016

A Compilation of the Opening and Closing Shots from Some of the Most Beloved TV Series of Recent Times

Inspired by the work of filmmaker Jacob T. Swinney and his excellent compilation "First and Final Frames", Celia Gómez put together the first and final shots side-by-side (beware of spoilers!) from some of the most beloved TV series of recent times.

The following TV series are found in the compilation:

  1. Hannibal
  2. Twin Peaks
  3. American Horror Story
  4. Breaking Bad
  5. Prison Break
  6. The Sopranos
  7. Californication
  8. The Wire
  9. Frasier
  10. Oz
  11. The Newsroom
  12. Carnivale
  13. Lost
  14. Rome
  15. Six Feet Under
  16. Sons of Anarchy
  17. Dexter
  18. Friends

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