Wednesday, May 4, 2016

'Exit': The Music Video From Jean Michel Jarre's and Edward Snowden's Collaboration

It's here – Jean Michel Jarre's music video for "Exit", a track in collaboration with Edward Snowden. From the Guardian:

The song, called Exit, mixes clips of Snowden warning of the dangers of privacy interference with what a colleague here at the Guardian described as "haunting, discordant synths".

Exit was posted to Jarre's YouTube channel on Thursday afternoon. The collaboration came about after Jarre gave an interview to the Guardian last year, and asked our music critic Alexis Petridis to put him in touch with Snowden. Jarre described his music, over which Snowden performs, as a "hectic, obsessive techno track, trying to illustrate the idea of this crazy quest for big data on one side and the manhunt for this one young guy by the CIA, NSA and FBI on the other".

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