Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Four Habits We Can Adapt from the Amish Lifestyle to Enhance Our Daily Life

Health and wellness expert Valerie Orsoni has been interested in the Amish culture for many years. By adapting four "simple" habits from the Amish, she thinks they can do us lots of good both mentally and physically, not to mention for our society.

In our culture we barely write letters any longer…takes too long to write, then too long to receive. We send instant emails and expect instant answers.

We always rush from one meeting to the next, from one activity to the next.

The Amish take it more slowly. They admire nature. They take the time to seize the day and smell the roses. They write chain letters, where each time the letter gets to the recipient, she adds a piece of news from her settlement. Waiting for a response is part of the deal and helps people not be constantly on their toes.

The Amish "visit." As a matter of fact they even have alternate "off-church Sundays." The sole purpose is to allow for visits to friends and family members.

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