Thursday, September 22, 2016

Meet the People Walker: An Unusual Job

Meet Chuck McCarty – he walks people for a living. Sort of, his primary profession is acting. But the response to his services has been great and the business is growing.

From The Guardian:

Chuck McCarthy recently auditioned as a homicidal biker for a TV show, but the actor is finding glimmers of fame, and possibly a business franchise, with another role: Los Angeles's first people walker.

He walks humans for $7 a mile around the streets and park near his home, pioneering an alternative to dog walking that requires no leash, just an ability to walk, talk and, above all, listen.


But according to McCarthy, paying to be walked does not mean people are friendless. It just means they cannot always coordinate leisure time with friends, a product of fluid schedules in the gig economy, leaving them isolated. "We're on phones and computers constantly communicating but we're not connecting as much. We need that human interaction."

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