Wednesday, March 22, 2017

A New Episode of "The Norden": Can the Maximum Security Attica Prison Become a More Harmonious Place?

In the very successful and beloved documentary series "The Norden", we get a good insight into the Nordic welfare model and the Nordic society from an outsider's point of view (you can watch all the epsiodes of "The Norden" here).

The creators of the series has now released yet another episode called "Breaking the Cycle". In this episode, the deputy warden Jan Strømnes from Norway's maximum-security prison Halden Prison travels to Attica Correctional Facility, a maximum security New York State prison, with the hope that some of the principles that Halden Prison is using, will be implemented at this place as well, making it a more harmonious place for both prisoners and employees.

Watch the trailer:

"Breaking the Cycle" (excerpt):

"Breaking the Cycle" (full episode):

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