Thursday, March 30, 2017

Meet the Loudest Purring Cat in the World

Merlin from Torquay, Devon, in the UK, is the loudest purring cat in the world according to Guinness World Records with a purr that measures 67.8 decibels.

With a Guinness World Records adjudicator on hand to verify, Merlin registered a purr measuring 67.8 decibels, beating the previous record of 67.68 decibels set in 2011 by Smokey – another British cat.

Speaking of her record-breaking pet, Tracy said: "Occasionally when he's really loud I have to repeat myself. When you're watching films you have to turn the telly up or put him out of the room, if he's eating he'll purr loudly. I can hear him when I'm drying my hair.

"If he's cleaning he gets louder and sometimes if the telephone rings I do get people asking me what's that noise in the background, I tell them it's the cat but I don't know if they believe me."

Via Holy Kaw.

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