Saturday, April 15, 2017

'The Car Wash': A Short Filmed with Canon PowerShot S110 in Low Light Conditions

When buying a new camera, it's a ood idea to see how it responds and operates in low light conditions. Some time ago, I bought the Canon PowerShot SX610 HS point-and-shoot camera that produces good audio and video with just one caveat – it works rather poorly when there are low light conditions.

So, I got myself an additional camera that can handle those conditions much better, a used Canon PowerShot S110 (Silver). It cost me 120 Euro on an Italian auction site and I've used it on an almost daily basis ever since.

To demonstrate how its video footage looks when captured in low light conditions, I took it with me when we had to take our car for a well-needed car wash. In the video editor, I added some minor color grading to the footage by using one of the free 3D LUTs from

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