Saturday, June 10, 2017

The List of the 100 Best Typefaces of All Time

Font retailer FontShop's website The 100 Best Typefaces of All Time lists like the site name says, 100 high-quality licensable typefaces that have been selected by a jury of international experts.

FontShop's selection differs from other typeface charts because it is both subjective and as objective as possible. By incorporating its own sales figures and various bestseller lists from the past ten years (see "Scoring Criteria" below), FontShop ensured that the users of the nominated typefaces also had input into the selection. The subjective element was provided by an independent jury of international experts. On the basis of the "commercial" pre-selection they were able to eliminate fonts, nominate others, reorder, veto and up- or downgrade. After several rounds of this, everyone had agreed on a list of the top 100 typefaces.

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